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Dear guys,
I just wanted to personally thank Donald for his production skills. He IS FRIKKIN AMAZING. The transitions are so easy to do and the warnings about time constraints make this show a simple task for me.
Thanks again guys. 
Kind regards and blessings...
Dear guys,
I just wanted to personally thank Donald for his production skills. He IS FRIKKIN AMAZING. The transitions are so easy to do and the warnings about time constraints make this show a simple task for me.
Thanks again guys. 
Kind regards and blessings...

That was the most fascinating show I've heard from you so far (that I can still remember) and I am amazed by your still intact memories of the unbelievable life you've lived!!!! I listened to it going to sleep last night and will e-mail it to all people I know while listening to it again today and I know my family members will be interested so you may help me with them since they will find it hard to ignore my "conspiracy theories" when they hear it all from you also ~ who was such a close friend of Frank Sinatra and all those other famous peoples !!!! I've been talking about the JFK, RFK and MLK hits since 1973 and they try to ignore me but never argue about it, refute or investigate these things because it is not in their politically correct social circles. It will be interesting if your radio show finally opens up their minds now that they are so old in the tooth as I am getting and you were there and done all that !!!! I had no idea you knew Robert Kaiser and I'm sure I had his book 35 years ago but have lost most of my research from moving so many times through out the years and people not knowing the value and throwing away what they considered my "hoarding" !!!! That story about losing friendship with Sinatra is particularly intriguing since if you had stayed close to him imagine the insights you could have learned about the JFK hit (as well as others) from him in his later years !!!! When you complete your book you should have a best seller like Kitty Kelly if we still have anything left of a free media and decent pr assistants !!! I still have a few minutes of Sinatra's daughter singing on the Mall here in DC at the annual July 4th "RollingThunder" biker gathering if you want me to send that to you (from a few years ago). And is that interview you did with Jim Garrison still up on youtube? I wish you lived in DC since my friends at the Sara McClendon National press Club gatherings and the folks would love to have you attend those meetings sometimes !!! That interview you wanted to do with Sinatra should be done with YOU and I wish I had the where with all to arrange just that. Maybe that is a goal I should work on. Carry on and don't golf too much today Facebook friend and political activist icon from the 60's still kicking and raising hell !!!! Carry on !!!!!

- Phil on FB


Hi Lance,

I am new to your show and somewhat new to BBS. I have just finished listening to your interview with Simon Parkes and have to tell you it is outstanding. I learned so much. It is as if I am the closest I've ever been to the true knowledge of what is going on here.
I was really getting into it, when, as you know, it was cut off.
I would very much appreciate knowing when you can do another show with Simon. And especially if you can start out with the subject you left off with, which had to do with "magic," and "science," and the difference between the seen and unseen worlds, etc. and how that emphasis on the seen world may have come about.
Thank you so much.

Good afternoon. Every morning when I wake up I listen to your radio. It gives me energy and good mood for the whole day. Now I can not imagine my normal day without your radio. My whole family also listens to your radio. With thanks and best wishes your regular listener. ~ Alina M. from Russia


Good afternoon. Every morning when I wake up I listen to your radio. It gives me energy and good mood for the whole day. Now I can not imagine my normal day without your radio. My whole family also listens to your radio. With thanks and best wishes your regular listener. ~ Alina M. from Russia


Good afternoon. Every morning when I wake up I listen to your radio. It gives me energy and good mood for the whole day. Now I can not imagine my normal day without your radio. My whole family also listens to your radio. With thanks and best wishes your regular listener. ~ Alina M. from Russia


Good afternoon. Every morning when I wake up I listen to your radio. It gives me energy and good mood for the whole day. Now I can not imagine my normal day without your radio. My whole family also listens to your radio. With thanks and best wishes your regular listener. ~ Alina M. from Russia


Good afternoon. Every morning when I wake up I listen to your radio. It gives me energy and good mood for the whole day. Now I can not imagine my normal day without your radio. My whole family also listens to your radio. With thanks and best wishes your regular listener. ~ Alina M. from Russia


Good afternoon. Every morning when I wake up I listen to your radio. It gives me energy and good mood for the whole day. Now I can not imagine my normal day without your radio. My whole family also listens to your radio. With thanks and best wishes your regular listener. ~ Alina M. from Russia