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Greetings Bbs Radio! what a wonderful site! thank you for what you are doing may Truth Love Simplicity & Divine Justice Prevail! through selfless service to humanity and the Universe!!


Greetings Bbs Radio! what a wonderful site! thank you for what you are doing may Truth Love Simplicity & Divine Justice Prevail! through selfless service to humanity and the Universe!!


Greetings Bbs Radio! what a wonderful site! thank you for what you are doing may Truth Love Simplicity & Divine Justice Prevail! through selfless service to humanity and the Universe!!


Greetings Bbs Radio! what a wonderful site! thank you for what you are doing may Truth Love Simplicity & Divine Justice Prevail! through selfless service to humanity and the Universe!!


Greetings Bbs Radio! what a wonderful site! thank you for what you are doing may Truth Love Simplicity & Divine Justice Prevail! through selfless service to humanity and the Universe!!


Greetings Bbs Radio! what a wonderful site! thank you for what you are doing may Truth Love Simplicity & Divine Justice Prevail! through selfless service to humanity and the Universe!!

Hi Wynn this is Edgar from the Bronx NY, the words really cant  formulate  to express the love and appriciation i have for you and your work. Just alone the impact that this has had on my life, i have never believed in any religion even thoe i went to catholic church with my grandmother as a child. There i was able to start my research of truth and i feel in my heart that the search for truth stops with you, my Elohim and my Ra. Wynn for some reason in my heart my Christ was always there, but not in the way that the catholic church had presented him but as a part of me. I found that my heart had a voice and started to follow. I follow your work not because i need something to believe in but because its the truth, i am a logical thinker like yourself and follow "cause and effect", which will not let me fall into any pattern related to religion. I love every single thing that you put out, being the wellness pendants to the Reincarnation of Edgar Casey to the Graduation audio. I feel your intuition in the way things are presented which assures me that we are connected consciously through the calls which i don't miss one. The energy on the calls is real and i feel it and it shows in my body. My hair stands straight up and it goes from my toes to my head, its really something amazing. Wynn i could be doing something and then  think of you and the source and take a few deep breaths and all that love energy rushes into my body, little be little i am able to feel it on demand, its becoming me. I would love to meet you some day or maybe we already have. Its so beautiful to see us evolving as a group and i say you have great intuition because for example all of these amazing people that keep joining us that you seek like Trina Brunk. Wow Wynn she is really something, its amazing to see how words cans have sort of a resonance of life and love, her music is really beautiful and has the power to shift life energy's , it feels like it has zero distortions, so clean.

Much love light from the East coast to all!


BBS, thankyou for taking on Kevin's show, "Radio Free Kanata"!! I have renewed my membership and look forward to hearing his show!

I was gazing at the BBS home page tonight, and hadn't realized HOW FUCKING MUCH you guys have accomplished!!!  OMG.  BBS is THE radio station to be on, to listen to, to find out the truth from, and I'm deeply grateful and honored to be among such wonderful company.  The design is clean, professional and enticing.  I am checking out the websites of some of the headlined guests NOW!  If you can get me to be motivated, and that takes a LOT these daze, you're really GOOD.
Many thanks,
"Zany Mystic"
I was gazing at the BBS home page tonight, and hadn't realized HOW FUCKING MUCH you guys have accomplished!!!  OMG.  BBS is THE radio station to be on, to listen to, to find out the truth from, and I'm deeply grateful and honored to be among such wonderful company.  The design is clean, professional and enticing.  I am checking out the websites of some of the headlined guests NOW!  If you can get me to be motivated, and that takes a LOT these daze, you're really GOOD.
Many thanks,
"Zany Mystic"