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Dear Sri and Kira,

Just listened to the replay of last Sundays program. Felt compelled to communicate that you answered my call at 3:33pm EST on line 3. Knew that my call (Ann from New Hope, PA) would be taken and that I would hear exactly what I needed to hear from you(in that moment). Love that Expansion was the choice/given word for me. Still unclear of what it means for me exactly, but, sure is fun exploring the possibilities.Thank again for your teachings. Love and Light, Ann


Hi Sri and Kira

I wanted to say thank you for your wonderful soul reading on January 17th. I had just discovered you and the day I called had just woke up from a nap .In my groggy state felt like listening to some of your radio shows. I had the perfect timing as you just started a show and I was able to call in.  Anyways, I felt guided to you so thank you so much.


Your beautiful messages and teachings resonate with me very deeply and I am so grateful you are offering your knowledge to the world. Your radio show topics have almost mirrored exactly what I had / have bee feeling in my life. It truly helps to offer reassurance to that little voice of knowing inside that I can't quite articulate so well but is growing stronger day by day.

Life feels like a growing pressure cooker these days but deep down I know it is time to pop the balloon sort of speak. Just not sure how . You words are guiding me so again thank you from the bottom of my heart.



Hi Sri and Kira!  I have passed by these trees a thousand times (they are on my neighborhood path)  & I always say "these are my Sri and Kira trees"  They are a perfect symbol of how I look at you both....separate beings but growing together in such a perfect harmony &  Complimenting each other beautifully!  Just wanted to share!  Many blessings, Patti Martin  


Hi, Wonderful Souls,

I can't go to bed tonight before expressing my gratitude for the help I received from you today in the show. I heard about you from a friend, Monica, a few weeks ago, and I felt to jump in the energy you radiate so beautifully. I experienced transformations immediately after the first show I did listen to. Most amazing thing is that I felt to change almost everything in my bedroom and around the house and, at the end of the week, in the Sunday show, you talked about howimportant is to have a clean bedroom and a spiritual corner... This morning I was talking with Monica about the danger of the new technology and microchips and hours after, in the show, you talked about this issue. And over all, when you said that there was a free line to call in, I just simply felt to call, like you were talking to me, without thinking what I was going to talk eventually and I got connected... I don't even remember everything you told me (I have to re-listen) but the energy I got re-united me with my soul and my entire being is CELEBRATING now, ayayyyy... I used to be totally aligned to my Self and act from this level but a twin flame relationship kept me in the fog for the last two years and today only I was able to really let it go, after listening to your answer on this matter for another woman.

What a relief !!! Lots of thanks from the bottom of my heart. My love, gratitude and blessings will be always with you. May the Divine Blessing and Grace be always within you both and in everything you do. Namaste... Laura Schamahorn


Thank YOU amazing infinite beings ... excited to unleash my inner radical -- feeling this as a next step to gather support and clarity for this month. I AM so grateful.

Muktaali -- BC, Canada xo



Hi Lance,

Your show has become one of my favorites.  You've profoundly shifted my reality.


Frank B.


Thought I"d send you an email anyway to say "thank you" and to tell you how much I appreciate your station and I will miss listening on my phone because Saturday is my big BBS Radio day and I don't like to be tethered to my computer as I do my chores around the house. I'll just have to live with it until it gets sorted out. Ha!! :))

Thank you again for all the great radio programming that you provide. It keeps me connected to an alternative perspective of what is happening on the planet.....and who doesn't need that in the midst of all the craziness?


Miami Beach


Thought I"d send you an email anyway to say "thank you" and to tell you how much I appreciate your station and I will miss listening on my phone because Saturday is my big BBS Radio day and I don't like to be tethered to my computer as I do my chores around the house. I'll just have to live with it until it gets sorted out. Ha!! :))

Thank you again for all the great radio programming that you provide. It keeps me connected to an alternative perspective of what is happening on the planet.....and who doesn't need that in the midst of all the craziness?


Miami Beach


Thought I"d send you an email anyway to say "thank you" and to tell you how much I appreciate your station and I will miss listening on my phone because Saturday is my big BBS Radio day and I don't like to be tethered to my computer as I do my chores around the house. I'll just have to live with it until it gets sorted out. Ha!! :))

Thank you again for all the great radio programming that you provide. It keeps me connected to an alternative perspective of what is happening on the planet.....and who doesn't need that in the midst of all the craziness?


Miami Beach