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Your feedback is greatly welcomed, comments and musings...


Dear Dr. Helvie,

I listened to your show on gratitude and it was fantastic. I enjoyed the positive subject and it was so uplifting. It helped me to keep focused on all I have gone grateful for!

I spoke with you well over a year ago while working for Priscilla Kapel at the Bioenergy Balancing Center of Palo Alto.

I am back in the office again and was talking with Priscilla about your show. I think she will enjoy listening to your radio program too. She hopes you are well!

Priscilla celebrated her 90th this year and is still working... I wanted to let you know we both were thinking of you and I am enjoying your radio programs.

All the best to you and your non-profit organizations. With much gratitude for all you do,



John Barbour is probably a nice man, and certainly lives in his own world. But when did he get the skills to actually do a great interview? NEVER?

He ask questions and then talks over the guest while they are trying to answer him. John seems to think that people listen in to his show just to hear his opinions and that may not be true!

In a great interview imo, the host speaks very little. John's intro takes 7 mins., its a good wait to even hear the guest. He doesn't seem to be prepared for the interview, he seems to bring opinion on all points. Sometimes even starts on topics himself that are unrelated to the guests topic, just goes on a personal rant. Isn't that what Facebook is for, John? Express your opinion on Facebook where people may care what your opinion is. I think people want to hear the guest while listening to bbs. Someone said John's interviews are as painful as getting a tooth pulled, but I say you get your gums numbed for that.....Johns interviews are more painful to listen to!

Thanks for the clarification.
I absolutely loved tonight's show. It was like you were talking to me directly and I really needed to hear that.
I AM whole and perfect as I AM right now. There are moments I find it very easy to experience that blissful expanded self. I just need to stay on my own path of love and light and let the abundance of the Universe reveal itself to me in divine order.
Thank you so much for these amazing seminars. I love you so much
Christmas Major.

I listened to your show last night and I am so impressed and inspired by your words. This is truly your calling. smiley

- Danna H.


Commander Lady Athena you are home. Much gratitude for your huge heart and truthful teachings.

Kathy Zappelli


Doug I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the time you spent working on our project. Words can't express how I feel right now. The creation of the way you brought my vision together is priceless. Like it or not is BBS Radio #1 talk show in the making. The twins and I say this keeping it 100 are two Kings seating on one throne. Man you guys are true visionaries it's time to put a stop to all these internet radio shows who are trying to do what you guys started!!  I am a visionary as well and I have set my plan in motion. What I need from you guys is to believe, that's all I ask. I am about to do something that has never been done before on internet radio.

Mister Bonafide


Doug I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the time you spent working on our project. Words can't express how I feel right now. The creation of the way you brought my vision together is priceless. Like it or not is BBS Radio #1 talk show in the making. The twins and I say this keeping it 100 are two Kings seating on one throne. Man you guys are true visionaries it's time to put a stop to all these internet radio shows who are trying to do what you guys started!!  I am a visionary as well and I have set my plan in motion. What I need from you guys is to believe, that's all I ask. I am about to do something that has never been done before on internet radio.

Mister Bonafide


Doug I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the time you spent working on our project. Words can't express how I feel right now. The creation of the way you brought my vision together is priceless. Like it or not is BBS Radio #1 talk show in the making. The twins and I say this keeping it 100 are two Kings seating on one throne. Man you guys are true visionaries it's time to put a stop to all these internet radio shows who are trying to do what you guys started!!  I am a visionary as well and I have set my plan in motion. What I need from you guys is to believe, that's all I ask. I am about to do something that has never been done before on internet radio.

Mister Bonafide