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Dr Ana Harvey aka Doctor Phenomena
Your Pitch

I would like to be interviewed to introduce the launching of my fourth book, Only Good Comes To Me introducing the LEP Frequency Tool (April, Publisher is Waterside Productions, book agent is Bill Gladstone). This important book demonstrates how to work with energy (vibrational frequencies) through the Laws of Vibration, Polarity and Attraction to bring desires in the conscious mind into physical realities. It explains vibrational frequencies in a remarkable take home message method explaining the quantum living approach, and the use of the Violet energy, (the purest energy available to mankind for healing and manifestation) while engaging and encouraging readers to rebuild their life to their specifications using the LEP Frequency Tool. The instructions within the pages are clear and simple to apply, and what makes this book even more unique is that includes assessments and supplements to identify the readers personal vibrational frequency in all the areas of consciousness mental, emotional, physical/sensory, and spiritual energy fields, in the current moment, so immediate changes can be made to raise frequencies to begin creating the future the reader wants to face or eliminate discord in their life. Since energy can only send at the frequency it receives, it is vital to vibrate as high as possible to achieve desired results.


As a psychology professor for many years and a metaphysical author/speaker who has given numerous seminars on the use of energy I began to see that people have become desensitized to the concept of “change your thoughts change your life.” They get it, they are aware of it, but it doesn’t seem to work for them. The concept is no long er new and pretty much dead-on arrival for most people because awareness and giving some basic information about how to change thoughts doesn’t go far enough! Results are not seen because the process is incomplete.

Awareness must start the process. But without the deeper work of alignment of all human consciousness fields (mental, emotional, physical/sensory and spiritual) desires will not appear. People and the entire universe is made of energy. This energy is impersonal running only on vibrational frequencies. If you want change in your life and live the future you want to face, you must work with laws of the universe (Law of Vibration, Polarity and Attraction). This is not magic, or heresy. This is basic physics. For manifestations you must increase personal vibrational frequencies in full alignment in ALL consciousness fields to achieve the desired goal. For example, when you vibrate high in the mental consciousness meaning that you are mentally mature, logical and can make decent decisions in your professional or personal life, but vibrate low in the emotional (lack of maturity), or spiritual (belief systems) this is a misalignment and you will not achieve desired results. You may attain successful outward life, have a great career, money etc. but may be emotionally or spiritually tortured, or at the very least unhappy and unfulfilled.

The energy only works (attracts to you) in collective alignment when all consciousness fields are in harmony.  In order to understand if you are in alignment before you can manifest you need to have the ability assess your personal vibrational frequency fields.  This is why this book is so unique, as it not only explains energy, but details how to increase vibrational frequencies and offers assessments to assess personal vibrational frequency in the current moment. It allows the person to BE THE FIELD OF ENERGY THAT ATTRACTS because they are aligned with ALL fields of consciousness, not just the thoughts, or the images in the mind.


Dr. ANA HARVEY (aka Doctor Phenomena) is a retired psychology professor, and an established author of several successful books in the genre of education, and metaphysics. In addition, she is an esteemed self-development speaker who holds seminars and workshops to teach people how to increase their personal vibrational frequencies; thereby granting them the tools they need to live in a world of well-being, abundance, and prosperity. She has been given the nickname of Doctor Phenomena because of her extensive research, seminars and books on the life phenomena of human beings. Check out her many shows on youtube.

Doctor Harvey holds a doctoral degree from Grand Canyon University in leadership, and two masters’ degrees in psychology and public administration from Northcentral University and Marist College, respectively, and a Bachelor’s of Science from Marist College. Dr. Harvey’s LEP seminars and books bring a fresh interpretation of scientific, psychology, and metaphysical philosophies to use as tools when working with energy to create the future each participant and/or reader wants to face and the life they wish to live!

United States
Book signings, vibrational frequency
