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Featured Guest Interviews

Responder Resilience Guest Captain Dan Willis
May 04, 2022
Police Captain Retired and Author of Bulletproof Spirit and Instructor at National Command College
Captain Dan Willis served for 30 years with the La Mesa Police in CA in part as…
Cheryl Chumley
April 29, 2022
Online Opinion Editor, Author, writer, speaker, Licensed Private Investigator
Cheryl is the online opinion editor and host of “Bold and Blunt” podcast for…
April 29, 2022

Brent Michael Phillips is a most unlikely healer! He grew up fascinated…

Consciousness Science and Energy Medicine
April 28, 2022
filmmaker, author, teacher
Caroline Cory is an award-winning filmmaker and the visionary author of…
Dave Williams, and family
April 27, 2022
Colorado Representative House District 15
Dave grew up in a military family where hard work and sacrifice were taught. It…
Mariel Forde Clarke
April 28, 2022
serologist, hypnotherapist, energy healer, spiritual counselor
Mariel Forde Clarke – Bio Mariel Forde Clarke qualified as a serologist in…
Brent Phillips
April 26, 2022
Former Skeptic Engineer-Turned-Healer
The Formula for Miracles: Where Science Reveals the Secrets of the Spirit…
Stefanie Dumont
April 26, 2022
Executive and Transformational Coach, Author
Irrepressible optimism! As an Executive and Transformational Coach for 20…
Derek Gray
April 24, 2022
Derek Gray has been an archivist in The People’s Archive at the District of…
Colin Martin
April 18, 2022
Writer and Singer
COLIN MARTIN Colin Martin began his musical journey as a child and has studied…