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Featured Guest Interviews

Craig Campobasso
November 19, 2013
Spiritual Channel, Author of "I Am Thyron," Casting Director, Film Producer
Emmy nominated casting director Craig Campobasso is writing, producing…
Timothy J Glenn
August 02, 2014
Author, Astrologer, Numerologist, Spiritual Reader
Timothy J Glenn is an astrologer, numerologist, spiritual reader and teacher,…
Gwendolyn S McNutt
August 05, 2014
Gwendolyn McNutt has an amazing story of love, perseverance, loss, and faith.…
Craig Polsfuss
July 30, 2014
Craig contributes to the growth of Higher Brain Living® in a variety of ways.…
Gregory Joseph
July 30, 2014
Gregory Joseph is a Internationally acclaimed intuitive, healer and seminar…
Gregory Joseph
July 30, 2014
Gregory Joseph is a Internationally acclaimed intuitive, healer and seminar…
Dorothy Donahue
July 28, 2014
Cosmic Consciousness Conduit, Healer, Spiritualist
GUEST:  DOROTHY LEE DONAHUE Dorothy Lee Donahue is an author, life and…
Padma Aon
July 28, 2014
Teacher, Author, Evolutionary Catalyst, Supporter of Souls, Sacred Music Producer, Narrator, Christ Conscious Practitioner
Inspiring, moving, and a breath of fresh air, Padma Aon has been teaching…
Peta Panos
July 28, 2014
Founder, Healer, Mentoring, Soul Conscious Ignitor
Peta grew up in South Africa and coming from a tourism family, started…
Dr Allan Botkin
August 02, 2014
Auctor, practitioner of IADC with PTSD
Allan L. Botkin earned his Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) degree from Baylor…