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Featured Guest Interviews

Patricia Cori
February 16, 2015
Shaman, World Traveler, Activist, Screenplay Writer, Healer, Intuitive, Lecturer, and Author
Patricia Cori, a native of the San Francisco Bay Area, is a world-renowned…
Roberta Grimes
November 06, 2014
Business attorney, novelist and speaker
For Your Consideration: Roberta Grimes: The Fun of Dying: Find Out What Really…
Dr. Jennice Vilhauer
October 27, 2014
Psychologist, Future Directed Therapy Developer, Director, Professor, Author
GUEST:  Jennice Vilhauer, PhD Author of “Think Forward to Thrive – How To…
Rising Appalachia
October 27, 2014
A night of a vibrant group of friends, music, stories, and spirit
Nicki Jack Music in conjunction with Full Circle Venice Presents Rising…
Patrick Mccormick
October 28, 2014
Spiritual Teacher and Channeler
Kartron is an inter-dimensional being, here assisting humanity to embrace and…
Steve Sandmeyer
October 27, 2014
Sports Talk Host on CBS Sports Radio's 1090 The Fan
Steve Sandmeyer hosts 1090 The Fan’s local show. Sandmeyer, a Seattle area…
Jennifer E Pawlowski
October 25, 2014
Chief Justice for the Kingdom of Hawai'i
Jennifer Pawlowski is a highly skilled attorney with seven years of litigating…
Oliver "Buck" Revell
July 14, 2014
Oliver "Buck" Revell, FBI (Ret.) Mr. Revell is President of Revell Group…
Russell F. Robinson
September 01, 2014
CEO of Jewish National Fund
In 1998, Russell became the youngest CEO in JNF’s history. He works tirelessly…
Charles "Chuck" Brooks
September 01, 2014
Vice President/Client Executive for DHS at Xerox
Charles (Chuck) Brooks serves as Vice President/Client Executive for DHS at…