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‎Lily Kolosova
December 23, 2015
Internal Researcher
‎Lily Earthling: Energetic overview of 2015   I am a Internal…
Victoria Cotton
December 12, 2015
Helping Humanity Unplug, Deprogram and Connect Collectively and Organically to our Inner Knowing
“There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no…
The Ray Shasho Show Welcomes Legendary Drummer Corky Laing
December 14, 2015
Drummer,Composer,Writer,Singer,Producer, Multi-instrumentalist
Canadian powerhouse drummer Corky Laing is essentially associated with rock and…
Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet
December 16, 2015
Subtle Energy Empath and Conscious Mastery Coach
Joan and Janet host Conscious Conversations on Wednesdays at 3pm…
Laura Legere
December 01, 2015
Massage Therapist, Healer, Representative of the NLA
Laura Legere’s focus of service and purpose is assisting people with healthy…
Wellness for the Heart with Dr Michael C Irving
December 15, 2015
Michael C. Irving, Ph. D. Bio Dr. Michael Irving knows pain. In Toronto, Canada…
Senator Michael Brown
December 08, 2015
Shadow Senator from the District of Colombia, Lobbyist, Member of Democratic Party
Michael Donald (Mike) Brown (b. August 5, 1952) is a shadow senator from the…
Adam Lankford
December 06, 2015
Criminal Justice Professor at The University of Alabama
Adam Lankford is a criminal justice professor at The University of Alabama.…
Marilyn Cramer to speak on medical intuitives on the Holistic Health Show
December 05, 2015
Medical Intuitive and Healer
Marilyn Cramer, is internationally known for her alternative and complementary…
December 06, 2015
Teacher, Parent, Education Activist
Eve Shippens is a parent, teacher and alumni of the Buffalo Public Schools. She…