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Featured Guest Interviews

Leiohu Ryder
March 18, 2017
Lei’ohu Ryder is a Hawaiian spiritual leader, visionary, healer, singer/…
March 21, 2017
Editor Florida Bulldog
Dan founded Florida Bulldog in 2009 using the name Broward Bulldog. He is an…
JP Sottile
March 20, 2017
Freelance Journalist, Radio Host, Documentary Filmmaker
JP SOTTILE is a freelance journalist, published historian, radio co-host and…
John Dean
March 20, 2017
political author, columnist, commentator
John Dean served as Counsel to the President of the United States from July…
Neil Gaur Director of Portal to Ascension
March 14, 2017
Neil Gaur Founder of Portal to Ascension
I: A message from Neil: How it all started… I was raised in a Hindu family and…
Colin James Martin
March 06, 2017
COLIN JAMES MARTIN Colin James Martin arrived in Los Angeles in August of 2016…
George P Kansas and Tracey Trottenberg
March 06, 2017
corporate training, entrepreneurs, keynote speakers, Conscious Communication experts
GEORGE P. KANSAS and TRACEY TROTTENBERG With a combined 50 years on stage,…
 'Bride of Chaotica' guitarist Bill Bechtel on The Ray Shasho Show
June 12, 2017
Medea Benjamin
March 12, 2017
Author and American political activist and co-founder of the women-led peace group CODEPINK
Medea Benjamin is an American political activist and the co-founder of the…
Cindy Carter
March 11, 2017
Spirit Consultant, Artist, Energy Healer
Cindy Carter is an intuitive, energy healer, artist and spirit consultant who…