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Featured Guest Interviews

October 18, 2021
best-selling author, award-winning producer, filmmaker, keynote speaker, social entrepreneur, singer and songwriter
TESS CACCIATORE Tess is Founder and CEO of Global Women’s Empowerment Network (…
October 18, 2021
Founder of the Future Self Institute, teacher, transformational engineer, entrepreneur
PETER OPPERMANN A German engineer turned Transformational Engineer, Peter is…
Marco Missinato
October 11, 2021
Artist Musician
MARCO MISSINATO “Like all of you, I am too a soul who came here on this…
Dr Anneloes Smitsman and Dr Jean Houston
October 11, 2021
Dr Smitsman; scientist, author, futurist, architect, and leadership catalyst, Dr Houston; scholar, futurist, researcher in human capacities, social change, and systemic transformation
Dr. Anneloes Smitsman, Ph.D., LLM, is a visionary scientist, published…
October 04, 2021
Entrepreneur, Inventor, e-commerce expert, speaker
SHAAHIN CHEYENE During the Iranian Revolution of 1978, Shahin’s…
Hallie Hostetter and William Worden
October 04, 2021
singer and songwriting duo
WILL AND HALLIE A singer/songwriting duo inspired by the traditional folk and…
Karen Kataline
October 25, 2021
Radio Host, Author
Karen received her Masters’ Degree in Social Work from Columbia University and…
Rich Wyatt
October 25, 2021
Firearms expert, instructor, retired Chief of police, talk show host
Rich Wyatt moved to Colorado in 1981 to attend Gunsmithing School. Rich has 22…
Maria Kremer Samchez
October 24, 2021
Founder, STOP THE CUT! Eradicating Female Genital Mutilation
A native Californian, María Sánchez holds a Ph.D. in Psychology (Fielding…
Mark Pfoff
October 22, 2021
Former El Paso County Sheriff investigator, owner of Rocky Mountain Computer Forensics
Mark Pfoff INFORMATION / BIOGRAPHY taken from:…