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Blogs and Blurbs

Fear Not! Angels Have Your Back His Gospel PowerHave you ever had something happen to you that could not be explained? Have you…
Fallen - The Story of the Vancouver Four by Kevin Annett Book Review: Fallen by Kevin AnnettFALLEN: The Story of the Vancouver Four by Kevin Annett  Amazon, 2017…
Kevin Annett Our lives depend on thisDear friends,   Thus Tuesday September 5 an historic report will be issued…
ARE YOU A TREE OR A TUMBLEWEED? Tree or Tumbleweed?Written by Cynthia McIntosh Success With McIntosh Tree or Tumbleweed? So, I…
James Gilliland, As You Wish Talk Radio Rising Frequency and Shuman ResonanceEceti News Looks like we are in for a wild ride. According to Heart Math and…
default_imageOffline Marketing Tips for Musicians and ArtistsLocal Performances Locally performing your original and cover music will never…
default_imageThe Stress of PrejudiceThe Stress of Prejudice Whenever we encounter someone who we have an inherent…
Universal Soul Love Quote - Live your Life. Blog Entry, Detective David Love June 28, 2017Universal Soul Love Quote Live your Life.
Universal Soul Love Quote - Labor of Love. Blog Entry, Detective David Love June 28, 2017Universal Soul Love Quote Labor of Love.
DNA activation Understanding Our 12 Strands of Holographic DNAWe’re all familiar with the so-called basic building blocks of life, but many…