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Our lives depend on this
Thus Tuesday September 5 an historic report will be issued globally by the ITCCS concerning ongoing crimes against humanity: a summary of many years of sacrifice and struggle that names the names of child killers and other high level criminals.

Dear friends,
Thus Tuesday September 5 an historic report will be issued globally by the ITCCS concerning ongoing crimes against humanity: a summary of many years of sacrifice and struggle that names the names of child killers and other high level criminals.
You will be receiving an advance copy of this report and its accompanying audio recording the night before. We ask that on the morning of Tuesday September 5 you give the report maximum distribution through your networks, and that you air the broadcast of the report on every blog radio and other media outlet you have access to. Please also arrange media interviews with me in the coming week concerning the report and its accompanying actions.
Once more we are taking a great risk and placing our lives in the hands of those of good will around the world, beginning with you. Do not let us down. Our lives and the cause of justice for the innocent depend on this.