Choices Along the Way with David and Linda Laskowski

"Choices Along The Way" is a unique sharing of ALL your viable options for body, mind and spirit!... Our goal is to help all of us on our journey of self discovery through truthful interaction!
Linda and David Laskowski own Viable Options in North Kansas City, Missouri. Viable Options is an alternative healthcare practice that offers Gravity Flow Colon Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbal Evaluations using professional herbal formulas / homeopathy and flower essences. They also offer Solo Infarred Sauna sessions and IonChi Detox Foot Baths. From time to time they also offer their world-famous SpaTox Days which includes all the above modalities at discount prices and includes Foot Reflexology offered by Karen Kipp!
Talk Radio Show Program Information Displays
Choices_Along_The_Way, March 12, 2011 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Choices_Along_The_Way, February 26, 2011 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Choices_Along_The_Way, February 12, 2011 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Choices_Along_The_Way, January 29, 2011 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Choices_Along_The_Way, January 15, 2011 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Choices_Along_The_Way, January 1, 2011 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Choices_Along_The_Way, December 18, 2010 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Choices_Along_The_Way, December 4, 2010 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
David and Linda Laskowski
Linda Laskowski Biography:
How does one become No. 1 In The No. 2 Business......Let me share:
I began receiving colon therapy in 1982. I had a debilitating illness that traditional medicine wasn't addressing to my desires. I sought out and found alternative practices that led me back to health.
I quit my corporate job and was certified in the Wood's Gravity Flow Method in 1985. I have been blessed with not one leading authority of colon therapy but two that I can claim proudly as my teachers. Ms. Bonnie Miller and Ms. Helen Wood both directly trained and certified by Dr. Robert Wood, MD. I am also certified through Building Better Health Naturally which is owned and operated by Dr. Bill Horosh and his wife, Millie. Dr. Horosh is a leading authority on iridology and herbology and his lovely wife is a colon therapist also.
I have taught electives in 3 massage schools in Michigan for the last 15 years. I have taught and certified students in herbology courses, iridology courses and I have 15 trained and certified colon therapists. I have 28 babies whose moms all had colonics during their pregnancies, all born healthy, with very grateful moms for their short deliveries. . I have continuing education courses from Macomb Community College in Macomb, Michigan and as requested I can supply references from chiropractors all over the Michigan area.
That's How I Became No. 1 In The No. 2 Business
P.S. That's a registered/trademarked slogan I have used for over 15 years.
David Laskowski Biography:
I have been involved with herbs for 25 years and have been certified as a Master Herbalist, Iridologist and Nutritional Consultant for 13 years. Both my wife Lynn and I were trained by Dr. William Horosh and his wife Dr. Millie Horosh in Buffalo, New York. I have had extensive extra training in many modalities over the years including Polarity / Energy Balancing, Colon Therapy, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Flower Essences, Ayrveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
After having the opportunity to work with thousands of clients all over the world, with every health issue imaginable, my herbal approach to each client has become simple:
- Each herbal program has to be simple using the least amount of formulas to achieve the goal.
- The program has to be effective showing tangible results for the client in the least amount of time.
- The program has to be cost effective and always is.
As my relationship with my clients tends to be ongoing, after the initial consultation and follow-ups, I enjoy educating my clients in regards to diet, positive life style changes, other modalities such as Access BARS, Chiropractic, Acupuncture and other forms of self-improvement.
Linda and David own Viable Options in North Kansas City, MO.
For further information regarding Viable Options and the services they offer please visit their websites: