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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 18 April 2021

Network Columns

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What's Your Story?  What drives you? What's So Great About Having Purpose? What's So Great About Having Purpose?
The National Council of the Republic of Kanata Republic Official kidnapped, unlawfully detained and tortured by Crown officials Republic Official kidnapped, unlawfully detained and tortured by Crown officials
The ruins of a Benthamite Panopticon prison built in Cuba in the 19th century Breaking the Chains that We Forge. What is this Thing called the Prison Planet? Breaking the Chains that We Forge: What is this Thing called the Prison Planet?
You Can Live Your Life Your's a matter of perspective You Can Live Your Life Your's a matter of perspective
Paul Kuleba, the chief convener for the Republic in central Ontario and a Republic citizen URGENT ACTION NOTICE Monday, January 18, 2021 REPUBLIC OF KANATA ORGANIZER JAILED AND HELD IN ISOLATION URGENT ACTION NOTICE – Monday, January 18, 2021: REPUBLIC OF KANATA ORGANIZER JAILED AND HELD IN ISOLATION
Reclaiming Canada. The Republic of Kanata raises its flag Reclaiming Canada. The Republic of Kanata raises its flag Reclaiming Canada: The Republic of Kanata raises its flag
A Ghost of our Christmas Past, Present and Future. What Maisie Reveals A Ghost of our Christmas Past, Present and Future: What Maisie Reveals
PUBLIC NOTICE, December 26. Summary Judgement Sought in the Name of Justice PUBLIC NOTICE, December 26: Summary Judgement Sought in the Name of Justice
Rev. Kevin Annett Birthing the Better Land. A New Year’s Message from Kevin Annett and the Republic of Kanata Birthing the Better Land: A New Year’s Message from Kevin Annett and the Republic of Kanata
Republic of Kanata - Establish Liberty Issued today. A Call to Canada's Police Forces. Defend the Health and Liberty of the People! Issued today! A Call to Canada's Police Forces: Defend the Health and Liberty of the People!