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PUBLIC NOTICE, December 26: Summary Judgement Sought in the Name of Justice

PUBLIC NOTICE, December 26. Summary Judgement Sought in the Name of Justice

PUBLIC NOTICE, December 26: Summary Judgement Sought in the Name of Justice


Summary Judgement Sought in the Name of Justice

In the Matter of Kevin Annett v. Justin Trudeau, Jean Chretien et al

Issued December 26, 2020 in the City of Vancouver

Let it be known that an application for a Summary Judgement against the defendants named herein will be made by the plaintiff, Kevin Daniel Annett, before the Supreme Court of British Columbia and the International Common Law Court of Justice on Wednesday, December 30, 2020.

The Judgement will seek the immediate arrest and prosecution of the defendants named herein on a charge of a) participating in an ongoing Criminal Conspiracy against the plaintiff and b) participating in or aiding and abetting Crimes against Humanity and other punishable offences.

The defendants named in this application are as follows:

Julie Payette, Governor-General of Canada

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

Bill Blair, Minister of Public Safety

Jean Chretien, former Prime Minister of Canada

Peter Montague, “E” Division, Royal Canadian Mounted Police  

John Creighton, former CEO and President of Weyerhauser Ltd.

John Cashore, United Church of Canada minister and former Aboriginal Affairs minister in the Government of British Columbia

Marion Best, former Moderator, United Church of Canada

Virginia Coleman, former General-Secretary, United Church of Canada

Jon Jessiman, legal counsel, United Church of Canada

Brian Thorpe, former Secretary, B.C. Conference, United Church of Canada

Phil Spencer, United Church minister

Foster Freed, United Church minister

Anne McNamee and Brian Arkell, private citizens

A press conference and public hearing on this matter will be convened on Monday, January 4, 2020 in the City of Vancouver, within the protective jurisdiction and authority of the Republic of Kanata.                                      

For more information, contact the plaintiff at and see and .

This Notice is endorsed and authorized by the Plaintiff and by the National Council of the Republic of Kanata