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Reclaiming Canada: The Republic of Kanata raises its flag

Reclaiming Canada. The Republic of Kanata raises its flag
Reclaiming Canada. The Republic of Kanata raises its flag

Reclaiming Canada. The Republic of Kanata raises its flag

Reclaiming Canada: The Republic of Kanata raises its flag
January 15, 2021 in Vancouver and across the Nation
On the sixth anniversary of the Republic's founding Proclamation of Independence, citizens of Kanata raised their flag in a dozen communities across the nation and reclaimed the land and its wealth for all the people.
This broadcast is from the Vancouver flag raising event held today in Stanley Park by members of the Vancouver Republic Assembly, at which the Republic's lawful jurisdiction and replacement of "crown" law was reaffirmed.
Posted January 15, 2021. See and contact .
The National Council of the Republic of Kanata is the coordinating center of our movement until a permanent Constitutional authority is established at our first convention in April, 2021.
For citizenship applications and general information see . The vision, proclamations and program of the Republic can be found in our book "Establishing Liberty: The Case for Kanata" ( The weekly radio program of the Voice of the Republic can be heard every Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern time at .