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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Words Women and Wisdom Show Guest, Indra Singh May 14, 2019

From Seed to Flower...

Indra is
the Founder of Silent Moon Imaginarium

Indra Singh is an intuitive guide for those that are ready to face their shadow, em-brace their own wild inner guru and live a truly authentic life. She is the creator of the international flower elixir brand ‘Silent Moon Imaginarium’ and is on a mission to spread awareness of ‘The Power of the Flower’ and vibrational medicine to the masses.Indra spent many years traveling the world and searching externally for her guru; that one soul that would save her. It was only when Indra returned home that she found her true guru; the wild one within.

During her search Indra enjoyed a successful career in Yoga and meditation. She was featured several times on the cover of Yoga Magazine and has written many inspirational articles for Elephant Journal and various yoga publications. Alongside the deep spiritual works, Indra followed her love for colour and the natural world, exploring the realms of Aura Soma, Shamanic Healing and plant medicine.In 2015 she was guided to work intensively with nature; channeling the vibrational energy of flowers and plants and creating elixirs by the light of the moon.

Moon Imaginarium was born and quickly became an international brand with a loyal following on four continents.As well as her powerful elixirs and misters, Indra offers life transforming 1:1 programs, online support groups and magical live events – helping people honour their inner shadow and connect with their wild authentic self.

Shadow Politics Guest, Ariel Moger May 05, 2019
Environmental Activist

Ariel Moger collaborates closely with campaigns to develop materials and policy recommendations for activists, journalists and key decision-makers, as well as monitors, researches and analyzes legislative and regulatory attacks on the environment and public health.

Friends of the Earth strives for a healthier and more just world. Together they speak truth to power and expose those who endanger the health of people and the planet for corporate profit. They organize to build long-term political power and campaign to change the rules of our economic and political systems that create injustice and destroy nature.

Prior to Friends of the Earth, Ariel advocated for ocean-friendly federal policies as Oceana’s Policy Fellow. Before moving to DC,

she worked in Southeast Florida as a consultant for the Institute for Sustainable Communities and the City of Miami Beach on climate resilience and sea level rise adaptation projects.

Ariel has a Master of Environmental Law and Policy from Vermont Law School and a B.A. in Political Science from Columbia University. 

Know the Name Know the Answers Guest, Sharón Lynn Wyeth May 02, 2019
Author and Speaker on what our names really say about us. Author and Speaker on what our names really say about us.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth is an internationally recognized name expert. She can determine one's strengths, challenges and the purpose of one's life by deciphering a person's name. Sharón created Neimology® Science, the study of the placement of the letters in a name, after 15 years of research with 3 years of testing her theories, in over 70 countries, including Russia, India and China.  She continued to develop how to interpret names the next seventeen years, which is why Neimology® Science is so accurate today.  Today Sharón assists HR business departments to narrow down candidates to be interviewed, she assists lawyers in how to present cases to judges and helps couples and families to communicate better. Sharón also creates names for new business, new products and when people wish to change their name. Her bestselling book, “Know the Name; Know the Person” received an excellence in writing award. Sharón is a frequent guest on radio and television.

Stargate Round Table Guest, Ayn Cates Sullivan May 02, 2019
International Award Winning Author, Speaker and Seminar Leader

Ayn Cates Sullivan, MA, MFA, Ph.D. is an inspirational author and teacher. She holds a master’s degree in spiritual psychology from USM, and a masters and doctorate in literature from Columbia University and King’s College London. She currently lives with her husband, two children and variety of horses and pets on a ranch in Ojai, California. Her educational experiences coupled by life lead her into the study and practice of what makes one whole.

Ayn’s many inspirational books include Tracking The Deer, Consider This: Recovering Harmony & Balance NaturallyThe Windhorse: Poems Of Illumination, and an award winning children’s series including: Sparkle & The GiftSparkle & The LightSparkle & The Fireflies (2015) and A Story Of Becoming.

Ayn practices loving partnership as a way to fully know and realize oneself with her husband of many years, John Patrick Sullivan. The two can sometimes be found riding horses in the Topa Topa Mountains of Ojai or playing in the Pacific Ocean.

A Fireside Chat Guest, Sherry Wilde May 04, 2019
Author, Speaker, Extra Terrestrial Contact, Abductee

Sherry Wilde was born & raised in southwestern Wisconsin and continues to spend the majority of her time there. In 1987 her community experienced a UFO flap that was considered one of the most active in the world.  Over the next 18-24 months, Sherry was forced to accept her involvement in a phenomenon that was totally unknown to her.  

Sherry spent the next several years of her life trying to exonerate the experiences from her mind and did her best to return to a normal life, but when heavy contact started again in late 2009, after several years of relative peace, she could no longer ignore it.

Inexplicably, she found herself writing a book about the encounters as her memory opened up to the past events and the teachings these beings had imparted to her.  Overcoming her fear and learning the truth of her involvement with these ultra-dimensional beings became her life goal.

Following the publication of her book The Forgotten Promise in late 2012, Sherry was poisoned and fell seriously ill, forcing her to curtail all speaking engagements for several years. Recently a documentary was filmed about her life and a major film project is also in the works.  You can find out more, and access her blog posts on her website.

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