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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Shadow Politics Guest, Roger Pilon October 20, 2019
Cato Institute's B. Kenneth Simon Chair in Constitutional Studies

Roger Pilon holds the Cato Institute's B. Kenneth Simon Chair in Constitutional Studies, which he has held since it was established in 1998. He joined Cato as a senior fellow in October 1988 and, until 2019, has served as director of Cato's Center for Constitutional Studies, which he founded in 1989; vice president for legal affairs, which he was named in 1999; and publisher of the Cato Supreme Court Review, which he founded in 2001.

Prior to joining Cato, Pilon held five senior posts in the Reagan administration, at OPM,  State, and Justice, and was a national fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institution. In 1989 the Bicentennial Commission presented him with its Benjamin Franklin Award for excellence in writing on the U.S. Constitution. In 2001 Columbia University's School of General Studies awarded him its Alumni Medal of Distinction. Pilon lectures and debates at universities and law schools across the country and abroad, and he testifies often before Congress.

His writings have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Los Angeles TimesLegal TimesNational Law JournalHarvard Journal of Law and Public PolicyStanford Law and Policy Review, and elsewhere. He has appeared on ABC's Nightline, CBS's 60 Minutes II, Fox News Channel, NPR, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, C-SPAN, and other media.

Pilon holds a BA from Columbia University, an MA and a PhD from the University of Chicago, and a JD from the George Washington University School of Law. 

BBS Conscious Wellness Show Guest, Yolanda of Awareness Magazine October 21, 2019
Publisher and Editor of Awareness Magazine

Awareness Magazine has been enlightening Southern California and the rest of the planet, truth-seekers and light-bearers for over 25 years with fascinating and informative articles and products all designed to bring higher vibrations to the Planet at this time, subjects include:  health, nutrition, spirituality and environment. Magazines are distributed free at special sites in Southern California - including Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Orange County, and San Diego, and satellite distribution in Arizona, New Mexico and Hawaii. The publication also has members subscribed for online distribution and special announcements.

On youtube  Search Awareness Magazine TV

Awareness Magazine TV schedule (public access):

Monday 6:00 p.m.Wednesday 10:30 p.m.

Thursday 6:30 a.m.

Channel 36 in West Hollywood on Spectrum and the rest of Los Angeles County channel 99 on AT&T U-verse.

A Fireside Chat Guest, Timothy J Glenn October 19, 2019
Author, Astrologer, Numerologist, Spiritual Reader

Timothy J Glenn is an astrologer, numerologist, spiritual reader and teacher, pianist, vocalist, sound healer, channel for the Proterreans, lecturer, and past life regression therapist.  Tim says, "I've thrown myself into the world of Metaphysics with a grand passion."  This is beautifully demonstrated through his personal Soul Purpose Readings.  

A Soul Purpose Reading has a primary focus:  why did you (as a Divine Soul) come into this particular life?  Sessions last about an hour and a half and can be done in person or over the phone.

We can add one more item to the list of!  Check out my new eBook: "The Zephyrus Archives - Volume One - Mission of Eternity".  A narrative biography of Pontious Pilate's right hand man.  The Zephyrus Archives paint an intimate portrait of the most misrepresented human in history:  the Spiritual Master called Jesus, who Zephyrus knew as Yeshua.

BBS Conscious Wellness Show Guest, Siobhan Nicolaou November 25, 2019
Medium for Spirit, Emissary of Truth

Siobhan Nicolaou The Sword of Truth is a published Author, Medium for Spirit, Metaphysician, and Master Alchemist who has been teaching Energy Management, Energy Transformation, and Sovereign Development for 25 years.

​She is in the Empowerment Business which offers individual and group support through  Readings, Meditations,  Tele-Classes and Activations for your harmonious Spiritual and Creative unfolding. These tools are for everybody in any profession or walk of life.

Siobhan Nicolaou, is an Emissary of Truth that assists in your  awakening by offering you tools and guidance from higher consciousness that dissolve separation, opening your heart to the voice of wholeness and your unique expression of this vibration in the world. 

​​Their mission is to empower you with what she embodies as a sustainable path of wholeness and peace.

​When she is not out in the field transforming homes and lives, she is teaching the language of Love through Readings, Classes and Meditation.…

Dare To Dream Guest, LANA NELSON October 24, 2019
Intuitive Nutritionist. Lana Nelson, author of The Food Codes, teaches her clients to eat according to what their body is asking for.

"With her groundbreaking new book The Food Codes, Lana Nelson gives us a way of living and relating to food that has been desperately needed for as long as people have been around. You don't have to wonder anymore about what to eat." Do you know if you have food issues? My guest is Lana Nelson who is a Certified Emotion and Body Code consultant, and author of the book: The Food Codes that teaches how to eat without guilt and shame and also teaches you what your body needs for food at different times, seasons, or when different stresses affect your life. Lana teaches thousands of people every year how to heal themselves with food and has developed one of the easiest techniques on the planet using emotional clearing and energy healing techniques as well as Quantum Biofeedback Technology.  Lana is also a Licensed Massage Therapist as well as a Reiki Master Teacher who counsels in nutritional, herbal, and homeopathic therapies. Her focus is on individuals, couples and families who struggle with food, health, and emotional problems.

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