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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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BBS Conscious Wellness Show Guest, John Cowie November 11, 2019
Author and researcher

John Cowie is a veteran of the semiconductor revolution. As a former senior executive with Intel Corporation, his original intention was to write a book based on the characters he met and his first-hand experiences during his many years in this exciting young industry. But as he watched the remarkable evolution of the silicon chip and in turn the computer and telecommunications industries, he began to link these extraordinary envisioneering achievements with the human brain. Regular journeys past the ancient sites of Silbury Hill and the standing stones of Avebury prompted him to consider where our knowledge could have come from and the seeds of the Alien Visitor gene theory began.

Over the past 20 years John has promoted his theory in his book “Silbury Dawning: The Alien Visitor Gene Theory”, in numerous articles, radio interviews, videos and lectures including Glastonbury Symposium and gained incredible feedback to suggest this possibility is worthy of serious investigation!

Interview description

This TV Interview “Realization” explores the idea that mankind has been manipulated by a group of ‘Elites’.

Is the arrival of extra-terrestrials on our planet in our pre-history the only viable explanation for our incredible evolution and worthy of serious investigation?

I am aware that this is a giant leap of faith, as God and Heaven is to Christianity, but what if alien forms of life landed on Earth in our pre-history.  This is integral to understanding Realisationism which requires a belief in an ancient extra-terrestrial led civilisation, way before the Egyptians, which has been hitherto ignored, destroyed or deliberately hidden.

Did they genetically experiment with numerous specious on Earth to suit their purposes?  Did one of these experiments involve the genetic manipulation of our Homo sapiens ancestors, maybe our mitochondrial DNA, creating humanity?

As per Darwin's theory, those Homo sapiens possessing the alien visitor gene had a significant advantage and began to replace those that didn't - resulting in a dramatic change in Homo sapiens evolution creating the human race. 

The highly intelligent human race quickly evolved from this distinct “Eve” point, suggesting we are all brothers and sisters!

A few thousand years on was this ET inspired civilization, that built pyramids on every continent on Earth, destroyed by a violent natural event, possibly an asteroid strike, occurring around 10,500 years ago – ‘Younger Dryas Global Event’ - devastating this incredible early civilisation, initiating “The Planet of the (intelligent) Homo Sapiens”?

Did a group of our early ET/human survivors, Noah perhaps, who understood and was witness to this amazing first ET led civilisation, hold on much of the incredible ET knowledge and records? Was this information saved in the mythical ‘ark’?  Was there an error in the translation of the word ‘ark’, meaning a pyramid rather than a boat? 

In the aftermath of the devastation that occurred following the massive disruption to our planet, was this knowledge important to their survival through the manipulation of the remaining confused survivors?

Has our early civilisation been deliberately obscured by a group of ‘Elites’ who have continually held power over the rest of us since this time?

If we can open our minds to this possibility, we are all of extra-terrestrial origin, I hope this unusual approach to exploring humanity will make us look at ourselves in a different and intriguing way.

I believe in our own lives; we all have inklings of evidence that point towards our ET heritage. 

BBS Conscious Wellness Show Guest, Carmela Tunzi CH November 18, 2019
Trainer and Master Hypnotist, Personal and Business Mentor, MER, Reiki and Jin Shin Jytusu

Carmela Tunzi CH

  • Owner of Mind Flow Hypnosis
  • in Atwater Village ( Los Angeles)Ca.
  • Member and Trainer with The Master Hypnotist Society.
  • She Also Holds Trainings one coming up in Febuary 2020
  • Perceeptioneering...
  • She is able through affiliation to MHS Teach and Certify People for Hypnosis Training
  • and if a Personal and Business Mentor...
  • Carmela is a member of the NGH, CV BNI and a contributing publisher in LA Community News. She also can be heard as a frequent guest on LA Talk Radio and appeared on Best Buys with Alan Mendelson Channel 13. She holds certificates in Master Hypnosis, NLP, MER, Reiki and Jin Shin Jytusu.

Carmela contributes to her community by attending Los Angeles health-based and spiritual fundraisers, LA Cancer Community, and teaches self-help for hypnosis at Glendale Community College and the Cancer Support Community in Pasadena.

She Does Public Speaking at Corporations and Conventions . Last spoke in Hyponothoughts Live Vegas...

Carmela's solutions direct her clients to their highest wellness and needs.

View mention in the Rotary Club of Altadena's Sparks Off The Rotary Wheel newsletter: August 10th Issue | August 17th Issue

Featured Several time in VoyageLA  Magazine


Instagram @Carmela323


The Sports Doctor Guest, Dr Doug Richie October 23, 2019
Nationally known Sports Podiatrist, President Richie Technologies, creator of Richie Foot, Ankle Brace & former President of Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine

Douglas Richie D.P.M. received his Doctorate of Podiatric Medicine from the California College of Podiatric Medicine in San Francisco in 1980.He completed a residency in foot and ankle surgery at Western Medical Center in Orange County.

Dr. Richie is certified in foot and ankle surgery by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine and the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons.

Currently, Dr. Richie is an Associate Clinical Professor of Biomechanics at the California School of Podiatric Medicine at Samuel Merritt College. He also is a Clinical Associate Professor of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery, Western University of Health Sciences. Dr. Richie served as Section Editor (Sports Medicine) of the Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery for eight years and is a Past President of the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine.

Dr. Richie is a two time winner of the American Podiatric Medical Association Research Award. He owns 5 U.S. Patents on footwear and brace designs.

Dr. Richie’s research interests have focused on injury prevention and orthotic intervention in athletic patients. His recent publications have focused on the pathomechanics of the adult acquired flatfoot deformity.

In 1996 Dr Richie developed and launched the Richie Brace line of custom and pre-fabricted ankle foot orthoses which are now distributed in seven countries. See:

Dr. Richie is currently in private practice in Seal Beach, California. He can be contacted at:

The Kathy Lee Parker Show Guest, Rachelle Valdez October 23, 2019
Owner of Club 90, General Manager, PR & Marketing Director, Hotel Business

Rachelle Valdez, owner of Club 90 is originally from SoCal but moved to Utah in 1978. Has years in the Hotel Business as General Manager. And as PR & Marketing Director for American Income Life. 

Rachelle has always had a love for live music, being a singer/performer in multiple bands throughout her life. 

Club 90 is Sandy’s largest and most well-known Club!

Club 90 is the ONLY place featuring FOUR LIVE MUSIC events per week.

Club 90 is all about the best in food & drink at unbeatable prices, serving Lunch & Dinner Daily and Breakfast on Saturday & Sunday.

Club 90 has so much happening and so much more to offer.

BBS Conscious Wellness Show Guest, Nand Harjani October 21, 2019
Personal and business readings, energy balancing, energy adjustments, and public talks

Nand is the founder of Creative Life Sciences. He is known for his highly accurate and effective personal and business readings, energy balancing, energy adjustments, and public talks. In those capacities, he has assisted individuals, as well as corporations, to gain clarity, release old and destructive patterns, and has guided them in their life paths towards a more powerful, self-actualizing, and inspired existence. He has appeared on television, radio, and has been interviewed for magazine and newspaper articles globally. As an Energy Master and Expert-Level Intuitive, and in his heartfelt capacity as a teacher, Nand developed Creative Life Sciences' highly effective training program.

About Us

As Energy Masters, we guide and train individuals to lead lives that have more effective connections with the understanding, balancing, and utilization of Universal energies, intelligences, and truths.


Creative Life Sciences (CLS) was founded on the great aspiration of bridging the worlds of:

  • Arts (Creative)
  • Intuitive (Life)
  • Scientific/Medical (Sciences)

With these three disciplines integrated, Creative Life Sciences, found it could serve individuals around the world during this time of initiation and soul ascent.


Creative Life Sciences, unique blend of multidisciplinary, expert-level techniques, and trainings provides the spiritual seeker – of any level and of any path – with a holistic approach to the awakening, acceleration, and expansion of their Life Purpose and of their Mind, Body, and Spirit connection.


Two of the prime guiding principles of Creative Life Sciences, are intent and integrity. Creative Life Sciences teaches that these are integral and trustworthy guides through the sometimes unclear and poorly lit paths along life's journey. In keeping with these concepts, Creative Life Sciences teaches that when given a choice, always work towards maintaining clear, unbiased, and helpful intent, and think, say, and do what is most aligned with integrity.

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