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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Responder Resilience Guest, Veteran Dan and First Responders Kasey Nick Pete Samantha Tim Joe March 02, 2022
Firefighter EMT Paramedic Police Officer Vietnam Veteran 911 Dispatcher

Dan served in the United States Marine Corps from 1966-1970 and spent 22 months in Vietnam.  He was in 7 major operations and was awarded 3 Purple Hearts.  He later served in a Texas police department and was chief of a Vermont fire department.

Joe is a firefighter/EMT, Pete is a Police Officer and Crisis Coordinator, Samantha is a Police Lieutenant, Kasey is a 911 Dispatcher, Nick is a paramedic and Tim is a firefighter/paramedic.

Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Daniel Greenfield February 25, 2022
Investigative Journalist, Writer

My name is Daniel Greenfield. I am a  Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. And my journalistic beat at Front Page Magazine, its blog, The Point, and my own blog, Sultan Knish, is everything from Islamic terrorism in Argentina to leftist politics in America. 

From the Most Corrupt Village in America to exposing the truth about the Libyan War, peeling back the corrupt history of the NFL, documenting the hard truths about diversity terror migration, in depth pieces on terrorist attacks in Europe, across Israel and right here in this country, I cover it all.

"You are one of many people who have given me feedback that my reading and interpretation of that piece by Daniel Greenfield was of profound enlightenment," Rush Limbaugh said.

My work has been cited by Mark Steyn, Mark Levin, Daniel Pipes, Glenn Reynolds, Dick Morris, Richard Fernandez, Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Melanie Philips, Michelle Malkin, Victor Davis Hanson and many others. 

I was named a "hate group of one" by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC may not have been too happy that I caught them faking statistics. 

I have appeared on FOX News (Tucker Carlson) and FOX Business to discuss my writing. And I'm a regular on radio shows from coast to coast.

My pamphlet, The Great Betrayal, documented the detailed history of betrayals and lies in Obama's wars, from Afghanistan to Iraq to Libya.

I demonstrated conclusively, using historical documents that American soldiers in the Philippines did use pig corpses to deter Islamic terrorists. My work disproved multiple false media "fact checks" of President Trump.

That series, along with my piece on how Carter had banned Iranian students during the hostage crisis have upended conventional media narratives.

My investigative pieces have included the story of Obama and Pfleger, which I broke months before the mainstream media. I also broke the story of many of Obama's radical clergy ties, including Farrakhan supporters, I revealed that the Vice-President of the Center for American Progress and the former senior adviser for Nancy Pelosi had participated in terrorist fundraising 

I have covered assassinations in Argentina, Iran's meth empire , the coverup of Islamic genocide in Nigeria and the lost history of Harlem's Black Hitler. I broke the story of the Secretary of State recognizing a terrorist propagandist with an award as one of the International Women of Courage and exposed the falsehoods in Prince of Slaves, an Islamic propaganda film aired on PBS. 

The scope of my writing covers everything from domestic American politics to creeping Islamism in Scotland and how foreign aid makes its way into the hands of terrorists to white aborigines in Australia, Islamist Imams in Libya,  flogging in the Maldives and the hunt for witches in the Muslim world.

My original columns appear at Front Page Magazine and my blog articles are syndicated at Family Security Matters, the Jewish Press, Right Side News, the Canada Free Press and Israel National News. My op eds have also appeared in the New York Sun, the Jewish Press and at FOX Nation.

Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Judd Dunning February 25, 2022
Conservative writer, comedian, producer, and the host of Conservatively Unplugged with Judd Dunning

Judd is a Conservative writer, comedian, producer, and the host of the comedic late-night political news podcast/tv show/youtube channel “Conservatively Unplugged with Judd Dunning (with Canadian American co-host Adam Richmond!). Judd’s passionate self-effacing, politically incorrect right show reports far too unfiltered on “American Everyman News” with comedy and intelligent pro-Trump Conservative commentary weekly. Prior host of last year’s Politicon panel “Right-Wing Comedy in These Trumptastic Times” and star of TV Pilot “CU News! goes to Politicon”, Judd is soon to publish his new book with co-author and comedian Eric Golub titled “Thirteen Reasons Why…NOT to Be a Liberal” and he is also moderating a celebrity podcast/panel at Politicon 2018 by the same name this year Sunday at 11 am in K Street Lobby. Judd can be seen on stage and as a Conservative Political TV Correspondent and also remains in a long mid-life crisis yet absolutely stoked on America. #MAGA #walkaway #Trump

A Night At The Roundtable Guest, Tony Armstrong February 24, 2022

Tony Armstrong holds a B.A. in Psychology from Boise State University and an M.A. in Political Science from Philipps University in Marburg, Germany.  

He received his Political Science (with a concentration in International Relations) from the University of Washington in Seattle and was an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Wesley College in Dover, Delaware for 30 years, till he retired in 2021.

After reading A Course in Miracles, he was inspired to write his book The Lovestar: A Philosophy of Love (1999).  

Some of the foundational insights in that book inspired him to write Educating Angels: Teaching for the Pursuit of Happiness (2013). 

Tony was invited to give a TEDx talk on Happiness Education in Wilmington, Delaware, which can be found at:

He then offered a course at Wesley College called Happiness. 

He taught several sections of the course every semester for seven years, and published a book titled Teaching a Happiness Class (2019).  

He published his book Happiness Education in 2021, available on Amazon.

Luminescence Guest, Julie Saillant February 24, 2022
Equine Communicator, Certified Life Optimization Coach, Intuitive Empath, Mind-Body-Soul Alignment Specialist

Julia is known internationally for her ability to enlighten others to find their True Self and become conscious co-creators through practical application of Universal Law. Her teachings embody advanced concepts for those who want to deepen their understanding of co-creation and personal “reality”. She has a deep understanding of energetics based on extensive studies. She is an alchemist, astrologer, herbalist and Reiki Master. Julia has the ability to communicate with plants and animals. She lived with wolves for nine years, while developing her intuitive abilities.

Julie Sailllant is an Equine Communicator, Certified Life Optimization Coach, Intuitive Empath and Mind-Body-Soul Alignment Specialist. She is a motivational Speaker, Writer and Communicator who helps you move into alignment to be the absolute best you can be. She has created a 3-step system from the sacred wisdom of horses combined with spiritual laws that allow you to live life 100% authentically on your terms, with absolutely no limits.

Articles, Headlines, Featured Guests, New Music and Discussion Posts

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Joe Biden emerges from his basement to give a speech where there are no masks, no social distancing…

Wayne Gilcrest
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Our guest is WAYNE GILCHREST, Former Maryland Congressman, Only Republican in Congress to Vote…

This Boy
Music Playing on BBS Radio

New Music By : BBS Radio TV Staff - Danish multimedia artist This Boy. The music is unrelenting in its attempt to take your breath away. Angelic choirs atop frantic classic violins and gritty 8-bit beats, fusioned together with a new kind of disregard for type and genre

Music Playing on BBS Radio

New Music By : BBS Radio TV Staff - Sylvette, think the raw yearning melodies of Led Zeppelin and Jeff Buckley with bold sounds of Bjork and Aphex Twin all fused together by the disturbing poetry of Neutral Milk Hotel

Music Playing on BBS Radio

New Music By : BBS Radio TV Staff - Lush and well crafted rock with groove, Specialists music puts you in an atmosphere somewhere between funk and psychedelics