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Citizens issue Stand Down Order to local authorities after nullifying and outlawing COVID regulations

Republic of Kanata
Citizens issue Stand Down Order to local authorities after nullifying and outlawing COVID regulations

Breaking News Release: Monday, August 31, 2020

Citizens issue Stand Down Order to local authorities after nullifying and outlawing COVID regulations

Breaking News Release: Monday, August 31, 2020

Citizens issue Stand Down Order to local authorities after nullifying and outlawing COVID regulations


Parksville and Victoria, B.C. –

In an historic act of direct democracy, Peoples’ Assemblies on Vancouver Island have called upon civil and police authorities to stand down from enforcing COVID regulations or be charged with partaking in a “criminal conspiracy against the liberty and health of the people.”

Earlier this week, the same Assemblies defied COVID regulations by issuing a Public Safety Bylaw that outlaws social distancing, quarantining, masking, and mandatory vaccinations as “unhealthy, unlawful and unwarranted”.

Under this law, anyone who tries to impose COVID regulations can face fines and imprisonment within Common Law Courts established by the Assemblies.

Copies of the Bylaw and Stand Down Orders are attached.

These Bylaws and Orders were issued by the Oceanside Common Law Assembly (OCLA) of Parksville and the Greater Victoria Common Law Assembly, which were formed by local citizens over past several months.

Members of both Assemblies plan to serve the Stand Down Orders to their respective police and city officials including the Mayors of Parksville and Victoria at upcoming public actions which will be globally televised.

“We’ve drawn a line and told the government that enough is enough” said John St. John, a founder of OCLA.

“When the system becomes lawless it’s up to the people to re-establish justice. We’re calling on the police to enforce this bylaw or we will.”

Fiona Yaki of the Victoria Assembly reiterated his sentiment.

“We’ve made history by putting power back in the hands of the people. We call on all Canadians to use that power by forming their own Common Law Assemblies and reclaiming our nation”.

News of these actions have spread like wildfire through Canada and around the world, prompting Canadians in over ninety communities to take similar measures to resist the COVID restrictions and tyranny. This resistance is being coordinated and led by a National Council of Common Law Assemblies, whose aim is to establish a sovereign Republic across Canada.

For more information or interviews

Contact and these local media liaisons: 

Fiona Yaki (Victoria): or 250-213-5308

John St. John (Parksville): or 250-228-0191 

See also and this recent interview with John and Fiona:

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