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Dorothy Graham O'Dell is the Founder for UNSTOPPABLE OVERCOMERS, driven out of a passion for helping others to be seen.
Unstoppable Overcomer is a platform for people who have overcome great odds to share their stories - to help encourage and inspire others to never give up hope - and for others to know they are never alone in their struggles.
She personally has 'overcome' being bullied through school, which led to low self-esteem, mentally and verbally abusive relationships both professionally and personally, as well as losing a family member due to suicide and the daily trauma of parents who were not well. Her story is one of OVERCOMING and THRIVING!
This interesting interview will share Dorothy’s top 5 lessons and more. ". I know what it is like to feel completely alone and vulnerable. I know what it is like to be made to feel like the shit under someone’s shoe because others have made me feel that way. I know what it is like to feel extreme pain and alienation yet keep going. I know what it is like to feel completely alone and vulnerable. I know what it is like to be made to feel like the shit under someone’s shoe because others have made me feel that way. I know what it is like to feel extreme pain and alienation yet keep going.I know what it is like to feel completely alone and vulnerable. I know what it is like to be made to feel like the shit under someone’s shoe because others have made me feel that way. I know what it is like to feel extreme pain and alienation yet keep going."
In today's marketplace, it can be easy to get lost in the shuffle with all of the new books, products, and information. Unstoppable Overcomers help other women (and men) overcome their obstacles and help them believe in themselves while they find out who they are authentically.
Listen for the special gift and pricing offered on the show:
Non-Profit Organization Founders, Activists, Volunteers
Gavin and Gabe grew up in Minnesota on a farm, exploring and hunting together from a young age. Gavin is an Army Veteran. He served in the 101st Airborne Division before transitioning into recruiting. He is currently active duty as a First Sergeant in Montana.
Gabe spent time in news, non-profits, business, and sales. He moved to Montana to be closer to his brother and closer to the outdoors.
The brothers love being outdoors and know firsthand the benefits of being in the wild. They are avid archery hunters and enjoy hiking, camping, fishing, and kayaking as well.
Together, with the help of amazing people surrounding them, they started Warrior Transition Outdoors to help Veterans and their families feel nurtured and loved.
About The Foundation:
It began as an idea over a decade ago.
The seed for Warrior Transition Outdoors was planted in 2010 while our co-founder Gavin was on tour in Afghanistan. Many of the soldiers around him were talking about life after the military. They recognized a gap between what resources and help the Military offers and civilian life. Many of their comrades expressed feeling alone in the civilian world. No matter how intertwined they became in civilian life, they would always be a Veteran — a person who signed the dotted line knowing they very well could lose their life for that decision, yet moved forward anyway in service of their country. Not many people can relate.
Gavin and a few of his fellow soldiers kept talking about their love for the outdoors and how they could use this passion as a transitional service for Veterans, not only to connect with other Veterans and find resources for their next life stage, but also to simply be outdoors and allow Mother Nature to do what she does best to us in our trying times — provide clarity.
Years would pass. Gavin and his brother and co-founder Gabe continued to talk passionately about the project, knowing one day it would become a reality. And thank God for those years! They discovered core components to include in the organization, like the Family Advocacy division, met key connections, and found themselves in Montana, a place truly known for its natural splendor. The seed had been sown years prior and finally found fertile soil in Montana where it is taking root as Warrior Transition Outdoors.
Chief of Police and Keynote Speaker
Chief Ogden has been a successful law enforcement executive for over 37 years. He has led a positive transformation by changing the culture in his agency. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and is pursuing a Master’s in Leadership.
Chief David Ogden is a keynote speaker on leadership, organizational health, team building, and mental health. He holds a 4th degree in Brazilian Jiujitsu.
Dave’s family lost a child from a rare terminal illness. Dave has spoken, lectured, and on going from grief to hope, stress, and management strategies to lead through tragedy.
Suzanna is an Author, Speaker, Empowerment Leader, Ascension Coach, and Spiritual Midwife
Suzanna Kennedy helps dynamic awakening people activate their superpowers, fulfill their soul purpose, and stop working so hard. In 1997 she experienced a spontaneous quantum consciousness awakening. Suzanna is an expert on the Planetary and Personal Accelerated Evolution. A powerful change agent and visionary, she facilitates enlightenment for individuals and groups. Suzanna is the author of the book Sacred Union, Pathway to Paradise. Her Divine Human Upgrade Program™ guides clients to expand to higher levels of consciousness, and clients report dramatic shifts in their quality of life within days of beginning their Divine Human Upgrades.
Editor, Author, Talk Show Host
Jamie Glazov holds a Ph.D. in History, with a specialty in Russian, U.S. and Canadian foreign policy. He is the editor of, the author of United in Hate and Jihadist Psychopath, and the host of the web-tv show, “The Glazov Gang.”
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