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A Call to the Truck Convoy in Canada

A Call to the Truck Convoy in Canada:   $10,000 Reward is offered for the Arrest of convicted felons Justin Trudeau and Governor General Mary Simon
A Call to the Truck Convoy in Canada

A Call to the Truck Convoy in Canada: $10,000 Reward offered for the Arrest of convicted felons Justin Trudeau and Governor General Mary Simon (print off Reward Notice and Arrest Warrants in pdf attachment)

A Call to the Truck Convoy in Canada: 
$10,000 Reward is offered for the Arrest of convicted felons Justin Trudeau and Governor General Mary Simon 
(print off the Arrest Warrants and Reward Notice in pdf attachment)
Ottawa, February 1, 2022:
The International Common Law Court of Justice, which on January 15 convicted Justin Trudeau, Big Pharma CEO's, and many others of Crimes against Humanity and sentenced them to life imprisonment, is offering $10,000 (US) to anyone who helps arrest and detain Trudeau and his partner in crime, Governor-General Mary Simon. 
The Arrest Warrant to lawfully arrest and detain them, the Reward Offer, and the Court Verdict and Sentence, are attached.
"We now have the power and the lawful authority to remove convicted criminals from office," said Court advisor and Republic of Kanata Convener Kevin Annett today in Ottawa.
"That is especially true when it comes to Justin Trudeau and Mary Simon, who are the paid servants of China and their murderous organ and child trafficking and drug testing genocide. The COVID police state is about big money for Big Pharma, but we are putting an end to their tyranny by joining hands with the truck convoy in Ottawa and using lawful warrants to arrest the two criminally convicted heads of state."
The Court's Warrants are being used worldwide to arrest seventy five convicted CEO's, government, and church leaders, besides Trudeau and Simon. The Court and the Republic of Kanata are sponsoring the formation of common law Republics in many countries to overturn the global COVID Corporatocracy and restore democracy and the rule of law.
For more information and to become a Sheriff, contact and , and see (ITCCS Updates) and .
And listen every Sunday to the Voice of the Republic and the Resistance at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, 11 pm GMT at 


The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and its adjunct International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) are common law courts of record established on June 15, 2010 under the Law of Nations. 

Their documents, warrants, and evidence can be found in part at under ITCCS Updates, ITCCS Archives, and Video Evidence.

Listen to their public voice live every Sunday at 6 pm eastern at . 

See the evidence of genocide in Canada at and at….

The Courts can also be contacted at .


Listen to Kevin and the Voice of the Republic live every Sunday at 6 pm eastern at . The website of the Republic is See the evidence of genocide in Canada and globally at and…  and .