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REWARD - Offered for the Arrest of the following convicted felons

International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ)
REWARD - Offered for the Arrest of the following convicted felons

REWARD - Offered for the Arrest of the following convicted felons: Foster Freed, Phil Spencer, John Mayba, Terry Whyte, Wendy Barker, Jim Manly and Eva Manly, of the United Church of Canada on Vancouver Island - (see Reward and Judgement/Arrest Warrant attachments) - cc: public media and police agencies




Offered for the Arrest of the following convicted felons:

Foster Freed, Phil Spencer, John Mayba, Terry Whyte, Wendy Barker, Jim Manly and Eva Manly, of the United Church of Canada on Vancouver Island

The persons named above are fugitives from justice, having been lawfully tried and convicted of aiding and abetting Crimes against Humanity.

A universal Arrest Warrant (attached) has been issued against these persons and can be used and enforced by any citizen or police officer.

Whoever assists in or facilitates the arrest and detainment of these persons will receive a REWARD of $10,000 (US), payable by the Court.

Issued on the Thirty First Day of January in the year 2022.

Registered and Authorized by G. Dufort, Clerk of the Court in the Matter of Case Docket No. 09152021-A001 (01/15/2022) 

See (ITCCS Updates) and




The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and its adjunct International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) are common law courts of record established on June 15, 2010 under the Law of Nations. 

Their documents, warrants, and evidence can be found in part at under ITCCS Updates, ITCCS Archives, and Video Evidence.

Listen to their public voice live every Sunday at 6 pm eastern at . 

See the evidence of genocide in Canada at and at….

The Courts can also be contacted at .


Listen to Kevin and the Voice of the Republic live every Sunday at 6 pm eastern at . The website of the Republic is See the evidence of genocide in Canada and globally at and…  and .
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