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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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BBS Conscious Wellness Show Guest, David Low MS PhD October 28, 2019
Community Counseling & Religious Studies

David Low, MS PhD is an author, former Adjunct Professor of Religion, drug counselor, and entertainer—a juggler for a few years out of college (which he still enjoys doing for charity groups). Today he does dreamwork, teaches meditation, and speaks on topics in popular spirituality and religion.

The first time David meditated in college, he had a powerful experience of light and transcendence. After getting his counseling degree he traveled extensively and visited different Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Sufi, Jewish, Christian, and Orthodox Sunni and Shi’ia Muslim groups, all the while recording sometimes “spectacular” dream experiences.

After getting initiation from his major teacher, David began having powerful dreams which ended up directing major decisions in his life, sometimes involving deities and other consistent entities aside from his teacher. In 2014, an epiphany” led him to write his first book, Universal Spiritual Philosophy and Practice: in Informal Textbook for Discerning Seekers.

His greatest passion is getting people to tune into more profound dimensions of spirituality, at both the personal and political levels. Aside from dreamwork, another tool he uses to do this is his “9-Point Spirituality System,” which helps people fine-tune what they are already doing in their lives to reach deeper levels of their own being.

Discover Your Potential Guest, Dr Eben Alexander and Karen Newell November 03, 2019
Doctor, Author and Speaker

Eben Alexander, MD, was an academic neurosurgeon for over 25 years, including 15 years at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Children’s Hospital, and Harvard Medical School in Boston. He has a passionate interest in physics and cosmology. He is the author of the New York Times #1 bestseller Proof of Heaven, The Map of Heaven and Living in a Mindful Universe. 

Karen Newell has spent a lifetime seeking wisdom through esoteric teachings and firsthand experience exploring realms of consciousness. She empowers others by demonstrating how to connect to inner guidance, achieve inspiration, improve wellness and develop intuition. She is co-founder of Sacred Acoustics, and co-author with Dr. Eben Alexander of Living in a Mindful Universe.

BBS Conscious Wellness Show Guest, John Cowie November 11, 2019
Author and researcher

John Cowie is a veteran of the semiconductor revolution. As a former senior executive with Intel Corporation, his original intention was to write a book based on the characters he met and his first-hand experiences during his many years in this exciting young industry. But as he watched the remarkable evolution of the silicon chip and in turn the computer and telecommunications industries, he began to link these extraordinary envisioneering achievements with the human brain. Regular journeys past the ancient sites of Silbury Hill and the standing stones of Avebury prompted him to consider where our knowledge could have come from and the seeds of the Alien Visitor gene theory began.

Over the past 20 years John has promoted his theory in his book “Silbury Dawning: The Alien Visitor Gene Theory”, in numerous articles, radio interviews, videos and lectures including Glastonbury Symposium and gained incredible feedback to suggest this possibility is worthy of serious investigation!

Interview description

This TV Interview “Realization” explores the idea that mankind has been manipulated by a group of ‘Elites’.

Is the arrival of extra-terrestrials on our planet in our pre-history the only viable explanation for our incredible evolution and worthy of serious investigation?

I am aware that this is a giant leap of faith, as God and Heaven is to Christianity, but what if alien forms of life landed on Earth in our pre-history.  This is integral to understanding Realisationism which requires a belief in an ancient extra-terrestrial led civilisation, way before the Egyptians, which has been hitherto ignored, destroyed or deliberately hidden.

Did they genetically experiment with numerous specious on Earth to suit their purposes?  Did one of these experiments involve the genetic manipulation of our Homo sapiens ancestors, maybe our mitochondrial DNA, creating humanity?

As per Darwin's theory, those Homo sapiens possessing the alien visitor gene had a significant advantage and began to replace those that didn't - resulting in a dramatic change in Homo sapiens evolution creating the human race. 

The highly intelligent human race quickly evolved from this distinct “Eve” point, suggesting we are all brothers and sisters!

A few thousand years on was this ET inspired civilization, that built pyramids on every continent on Earth, destroyed by a violent natural event, possibly an asteroid strike, occurring around 10,500 years ago – ‘Younger Dryas Global Event’ - devastating this incredible early civilisation, initiating “The Planet of the (intelligent) Homo Sapiens”?

Did a group of our early ET/human survivors, Noah perhaps, who understood and was witness to this amazing first ET led civilisation, hold on much of the incredible ET knowledge and records? Was this information saved in the mythical ‘ark’?  Was there an error in the translation of the word ‘ark’, meaning a pyramid rather than a boat? 

In the aftermath of the devastation that occurred following the massive disruption to our planet, was this knowledge important to their survival through the manipulation of the remaining confused survivors?

Has our early civilisation been deliberately obscured by a group of ‘Elites’ who have continually held power over the rest of us since this time?

If we can open our minds to this possibility, we are all of extra-terrestrial origin, I hope this unusual approach to exploring humanity will make us look at ourselves in a different and intriguing way.

I believe in our own lives; we all have inklings of evidence that point towards our ET heritage. 

BBS Conscious Wellness Show Guest, Carmela Tunzi CH November 18, 2019
Trainer and Master Hypnotist, Personal and Business Mentor, MER, Reiki and Jin Shin Jytusu

Carmela Tunzi CH

  • Owner of Mind Flow Hypnosis
  • in Atwater Village ( Los Angeles)Ca.
  • Member and Trainer with The Master Hypnotist Society.
  • She Also Holds Trainings one coming up in Febuary 2020
  • Perceeptioneering...
  • She is able through affiliation to MHS Teach and Certify People for Hypnosis Training
  • and if a Personal and Business Mentor...
  • Carmela is a member of the NGH, CV BNI and a contributing publisher in LA Community News. She also can be heard as a frequent guest on LA Talk Radio and appeared on Best Buys with Alan Mendelson Channel 13. She holds certificates in Master Hypnosis, NLP, MER, Reiki and Jin Shin Jytusu.

Carmela contributes to her community by attending Los Angeles health-based and spiritual fundraisers, LA Cancer Community, and teaches self-help for hypnosis at Glendale Community College and the Cancer Support Community in Pasadena.

She Does Public Speaking at Corporations and Conventions . Last spoke in Hyponothoughts Live Vegas...

Carmela's solutions direct her clients to their highest wellness and needs.

View mention in the Rotary Club of Altadena's Sparks Off The Rotary Wheel newsletter: August 10th Issue | August 17th Issue

Featured Several time in VoyageLA  Magazine


Instagram @Carmela323


The Sports Doctor Guest, Dr Doug Richie October 23, 2019
Nationally known Sports Podiatrist, President Richie Technologies, creator of Richie Foot, Ankle Brace & former President of Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine

Douglas Richie D.P.M. received his Doctorate of Podiatric Medicine from the California College of Podiatric Medicine in San Francisco in 1980.He completed a residency in foot and ankle surgery at Western Medical Center in Orange County.

Dr. Richie is certified in foot and ankle surgery by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine and the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons.

Currently, Dr. Richie is an Associate Clinical Professor of Biomechanics at the California School of Podiatric Medicine at Samuel Merritt College. He also is a Clinical Associate Professor of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery, Western University of Health Sciences. Dr. Richie served as Section Editor (Sports Medicine) of the Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery for eight years and is a Past President of the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine.

Dr. Richie is a two time winner of the American Podiatric Medical Association Research Award. He owns 5 U.S. Patents on footwear and brace designs.

Dr. Richie’s research interests have focused on injury prevention and orthotic intervention in athletic patients. His recent publications have focused on the pathomechanics of the adult acquired flatfoot deformity.

In 1996 Dr Richie developed and launched the Richie Brace line of custom and pre-fabricted ankle foot orthoses which are now distributed in seven countries. See:

Dr. Richie is currently in private practice in Seal Beach, California. He can be contacted at:

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