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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Mark Pfoff January 07, 2022
Former El Paso County Sheriff investigator, owner of Rocky Mountain Computer Forensics

Mark Pfoff




Mark Pfoff is owner of Rocky Mountain Computer Forensics which provides consulting for civil and criminal cases throughout the United States.  He has worked on projects from New York to Alaska. RMCF uses specialized software to examine computers, cell phones and cell phone records.

Mark is a court qualified expert in computer forensics, cell phone forensics, and cell phone technology. He is also an expert in police procedures and investigations; to include interviewing and interrogation techniques, proper digital evidence collection, and methods to obtain best digital evidence.

RMCF's mission statement:

"Provide forensic examinations of digital evidence using best practices; provide accurate and detailed reports of our findings; and provide expert courtroom testimony"

Cattle Rancher

Mark has a herd of Black and Red Angus cattle in Eastern Colorado.  His cattle graze in open pastures during the summer and are fed a combination of hay and grain during the winter. His herd expands every spring with the addition of calves. Mark's herd has grown to over 50 with more calves on the way.

School Board Member

Mark was the longest serving school board member for Lewis-Palmer School District 38 since term limits were enacted.  He was elected three times serving 12 years. He served twice as President and held every position during his tenure.  Lewis-Palmer is a high-achieving school district with one of the highest on-time graduation rates in the state of Colorado.

During his tenure the school district maintained a balanced budget, increased reserves, and was ranked as one of the top ten school districts in Colorado.

He completed his fourth and final term in December of 2019.

Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Mike Dunafon January 07, 2022
9th Mayor of Glendale Colorado, Politician

“Liberty is the essence of the American ideal and this philosophy can only be advanced by the individual.  At the core our founding philosophy lies one fundamental requirement – critical thought.  Without critical thought, Liberty is in free fall, and subject to opinion, innuendo and ridicule. Worse yet, where critical thinking is absent, we too often see egoism, greed and unprincipled aggression against the helpless.

- Mayor Mike Dunafon, Nov 2014


The antithesis of a professional politician, Mayor Mike Dunafon is fiercely independent and refuses to accept any money from anyone. Mike believes that both the Democrats on the left and the Republicans on the right have sold out America pandering for their share of corporate and PAC money. He understands that the intellectual elites running the Democrats want to control your decisions because they know better than you, what is best for you and your family.  Mike fundamentally rejects this idea and big government categorically, and believes that we need to reverse our current path toward socialism, by creating more liberty and less government. On the other side of the spectrum, Mike also rejects the imposition of religious intolerance by segments within the Republican Party, specifically on the social issues of reproductive liberty and marital equality. These social matters are best resolved by adopting public policy choices that promote liberty for women (over their bodies) and marriage equality for all couples, irrespective of sexual expression or orientation.

Read more at:

A Night At The Roundtable Guest, Dr. Richard Presser January 13, 2022

With a PhD in materials engineering, I worked in the IT industry, including running my own business, until my spiritual journey showed up and deconstructed my life in the early 90s, setting me on a path to understand myself and the world, leading to the role I have today in this time of transformation.

I have been gifted two extraordinary technologies to bring to our world in this time of change. The first is NANO SOMA, the second is the DPE range of products .

I am married, I live in Melbourne, Australia, and my life is dedicated to doing what is mine to do in this time of change. I wrote a blog over the last decade that focuses on how our world actually works, not how we are told it works - . I suspect it is complete, from a writing perspective.

Dr. Richard Presser  

+1 410 500 4547

+61 413 745 111

+44 20 3129 5732


NANO SOMA Nutraceutical – Global information website



Australian NANO SOMA store


Agoohealp Stores

Store for US, Canada & countries not listed elsewhere

Store for Australia & New Zealand

Store for the United Kingdom

Store for Europe


Nanorx Inc is a start up in the field of Nanomedicine. Metadichol® our lead therapeutic, is a water soluble form of Natural product which is well studied and tested in the powder form for the last 25 years and is sold in many countries. Our study has shown a wide range of effects that targets key biomarkers implicated in Diabetes, Hyperlipidemia, Obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, inflammation and auto immune diseases.

Metadichol is covered by US patent 8.722.093, 9.006,282 and 9.034,383. In addition patents have been granted in China, South Africa, Singapore, Russia, Korea, Canada, Australia and Japan. EU, Chile.Patents are expected to be issued in India, Brazil. Mexico , UAE Egypt and Malaysia this year.

Read all about Metadichol® at

It is marketed in SE Asia under the brand name Metadichol and in the US as Nano-Ojas,

For more information visit our US site and our Asian site

To download publications and patents visit or and key word Metadichol

A Night At The Roundtable Guest, Dr. Palayakotai Raghavan (Raghu) January 13, 2022
Chairman of Nanorx Inc., Formulator, Chemist

Dr. Palayakotai Raghavan (Raghu)

Chairman and CEO

Nanorx Inc

Greater New York City

Dr P. R. Raghavan is CEO of Nanorx Inc. He has a PhD in Organic Chemistry from Oregon State University (1979) and a M.S. in Chemistry (1972) from I.I.T. Mumbai. He has 25 years of drug discovery experience at Columbia University, Max Planck Institute, Germany, Ciba-Geigy (now Novartis) and Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals.

Dr Raghu is the formulator of the product known as Nano Soma.

Here is a link to click on for info and testimonials on this amazing self-activating healing liquid.

Nanorx Inc is a start up in the field of Nanomedicine. Metadichol® our lead therapeutic, is a water-soluble form of Natural product which is well studied and tested in the powder form for the last 25 years and is sold in many countries. Our study has shown a wide range of effects that targets key biomarkers implicated in Diabetes, Hyperlipidemia, Obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, inflammation and auto immune diseases.

Metadichol is covered by US patent 8.722.093, 9.006,282 and 9.034,383. In addition, patents have been granted in China, South Africa, Singapore, Russia, Korea, Canada, Australia and Japan. EU, Chile.Patents are expected to be issued in India, Brazil. Mexico, UAE Egypt and Malaysia this year.

Read all about Metadichol® at

It is marketed in SE Asia under the brand name Metadichol and in the US as Nano-Ojas,

For more information visit our US site and our Asian site

To download publications and patents visit or and key word Metadichol

Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Dave Williams January 05, 2022
Colorado Representative House District 15

Dave grew up in a military family where hard work and sacrifice were taught. It is here that he learned the importance of our country and its impact on the world. A deep commitment to faith, patriotism, and civic duty are the cornerstones of his upbringing, as well as continual sources of strength and guidance.

Dave met his wife, Emily, his senior year of high school. They dated during their early years of college and married shortly after. They had their first child in December 2016.

He has served in several leadership capacities in both small business and local politics. Dave currently serves as Vice-President of Logistics for a manufacturing support services company where he helps bring businesses together to find tailored solutions for their customers.

From 2011-2013, Dave served as Vice-Chairman of the El Paso County Republican Party. While serving, he showed a steadfast commitment to the cause of liberty and freedom. Dave believes we need to encourage and hold accountable our elected representatives to support such principles.

In 2016, Dave was the first Latino elected to House District 15. He is providing new energy and enthusiasm that will help strengthen our community and Colorado. Dave is committed to working with the grassroots to further the cause of liberty and ensure that freedom is passed on to future generations.

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