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This is How to Do it: Wisconsin Sheriff refuses to enforce Wisconsin state "Stay at Home" Order

Media Release
This is How to Do it. Wisconsin Sheriff refuses to enforce Wisconsin state Stay-at-Home Order

This is How to Do it: Wisconsin Sheriff refuses to enforce Wisconsin state "Stay at Home" Order (Alberta police, do likewise!)

“I Took an Oath to Uphold the Constitution” – Racine Sheriff Will Not Enforce Wisconsin’s Authoritarian Stay-at-Home Order

Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling announced on Friday his department will not be enforcing Wisconsin’s Draconian stay-at-home order.

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers (D) on Thursday evening extended his stay-at-home order for another month!

Wisconsin Republicans threatened lawsuits in response to Evers’ stay-at-home extension.

And now a sheriff is refusing to enforce the Democrat Governor’s order. 

“[The] state law does not have the authority to supersede or suspend the Constitutional rights of Americans citizens,” the sheriff said.

Sheriff Schmaling urged the Wisconsin DHS to develop a workable plan that balances safety and gives business owners a way to still operate their businesses.

“I took an oath to uphold the constitutional rights of our citizens and I cannot in good faith participate in the destruction of Racine Co. businesses or interfere in the

 freedoms granted to all of us by our Constitution,” the sheriff said in a media release.