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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Life Changes Show Guest, Deb Morrison and Morrison and Co March 11, 2019


As enamored as Buck Owens was with his native Bakersfield, Morrison & Company bring to bear all the unique flavors of their lost-in-time equestrian hometown of Altadena. 

Their West Coast Americana signature sound is reminiscent of the iconic 1970s Laurel Canyon scene melded together with the sultry feel of the high desert. Heavy with weepy pedal steel and Bigsby drenched guitar riffs, they make no bones about jamming it out old school when they strike a rich vein, but always come back to their ear-worm choruses that folks can’t seem shake. 

Morrison & Company were conceived in a dilapidated old manor house on the outskirts of Los Angeles during the now infamous house party jams called “The Living Room Sessions.”

Threshold To Ascension Radio Guest, Linda Lowebeck March 28, 2019
Founder CE5 Copenhagen and Psychic Medium

Linda Lowebeck was born in Copenhagen, Denmark with her psychic abilities awakened. As a child she loved astronomy and dinosaurs and at the age of 6 she saw her first Star Being.  Around that same time she began having  telepathic communication with her Guides who presented themselves to her in human form.

As she became aware that she needed assistance and tools to best utilize her innate psychic abilities she enrolled in a 3 year psychic medium training program in Copenhagen.  She also underwent extensive healing to clear her own energy and old emotional patterns in order to be a clearer channel.

In navigating 3D Linda received a bachelor's degree in nutrition and a master's degree in IT & Organization yet follows her passion on a daily basis as the Founder and Owner of her own psychic consultation named Wonders of Clairvoyance. 

She is a professional psychic medium including clairvoyance (past-presence-future), contacting the deceased, and regression (past lives healing). She also does energy healing and Shaktipat (kundalini transmission) both face-to-face and long distance via Skype or Email.

In 2013 the guides that presented themselves to Linda in human form slowly got replaced with Star Being Guides.  In 2015 Linda saw her first physical UFO in the sky and this led to exploration that resulted in her founding CE5 Copenhagen in 2018.  CE5 Copenhagen is a UFO contact organization, based on the works on Steven Greer, his Sirius Disclosure Project, and the ET/UFO contact protocol which he developed.

As the Founder of CE5 Copenhagen Linda and the group meet once a month around the New Moon, do the contact protocol and have a beautiful out-of-this-world evening.

Linda’s passion revolves around the consciousness raising aspect of contact with our Star Brothers and Sisters.

Shadow Politics Guest, Gabriel Acevero March 24, 2019
General Assembly of Maryland's Delgate

Gabriel Acevero is a community organizer and activist with a passion for people and public service. A resident of Montgomery Village, Gabriel is a proud public school graduate who went on to earn his Associate’s Degree in International Relations from Montgomery College and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Public Policy from the University of Maryland Baltimore County. Coming from a low-income background, Gabriel pursued higher education with the hopes of giving back and serving his community one day. His family immigrated to the United States from Trinidad in search of opportunity. Gabriel’s upbringing, struggles and achievements has shaped the way he fights for social and economic justice issues and advocates for his community. Gabriel has been on the frontlines of progressive fights such as criminal and juvenile justice reform, marriage equality, the Dream Act, automatic voter registration and environmental conservation. In addition to his advocacy, Gabriel is committed to building a strong Democratic Party in Montgomery County. He’s currently the President of the Association of Black Democrats of Montgomery County and serves as a District 39 precinct official. In 2016, he became a fellow with New Leaders Council Maryland and currently serves on its Advisory Board. He’s an active member of Phi Beta Sigma, Fraternity Inc., a social service organization, where he serves as its Director of Social Action and mentors young men through its youth auxiliary group, the Sigma Beta Club.
Community Leader and Legislative Advocate
A citizen activist, Gabriel has been a fixture at County Council hearings and Committee meetings in Rockville and Annapolis advocating for new resources to help close the opportunity gap within Montgomery County Public Schools, raising the minimum wage to a livable one, investing in a renewable energy future, reproductive rights and criminal justice reform. In 2012, in support of House Bill 438 and Senate Bill 241 Gabriel worked with Marylanders for Marriage Equality, a coalition of individuals and statewide community organizations to get Marriage Equality passed. That same year, he served as a Lead Organizer, bringing together members of the faith and nonprofit community to support referendum Questions 4 and 6 (the Dream Act and Marriage Equality).
For his work on criminal and juvenile justice reform in Maryland, Gabriel was recognized by The National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC) in 2015, naming him as one of “100 Emerging Leaders to Watch.” During the 2016 legislative session, Gabriel partnered with State Senator Roger Manno (District 19) to introduce SB350 (Universal Voter Registration) that would’ve automatically registered every eligible Marylander of voting age through a cost-effective statewide system. Later that year, Gabriel actively worked with the coalition of activists and stakeholders, led by Renter’s Alliance, that successfully lobbied for and passed Montgomery County’s first Renter Protection legislation. Gabriel is committed to fighting for the hardworking families like his own whose issues aren’t always represented. For his tireless advocacy, Gabriel was the recipient of the Dorothy Davidson Award in recognition of his tireless work on issues of justice and equity.
Professional Life
Gabriel is a Union Representative and Organizer with the Municipal and County Government Employees Organization (MCGEO). In this role he represents working men and women on labor related and workplace safety issues and lobbies for the right of workers to collectively bargain throughout Montgomery County.
Previously, Gabriel worked as a Legislative Analyst in Federal and State Government Relations. As the Business Development Manager for a Baltimore based commercial real estate firm for over two years, Gabriel helped build a minority owned and operated business from its early startup stage to a thriving small business that now employs a staff of fifteen. He created the firm’s social responsibility program that partners with nonprofits in Baltimore City to offer free workspace to budding entrepreneurs, startups and nonprofits.
Why I’m Running….

I’m running because I love my community;  I’ve spent many years working on legislation and advocating for issues important to working families; working families just like the one that raised me. As your representative in Annapolis, I’ll always listen to the voices in our community and work tirelessly for you, increasing the quality of life many of us share while making sure to include the experiences that aren’t always represented at the policymaking table. I’m running because regardless of who you are, where you’re from or who you love, everyone should have the same opportunities at pursuing success while also positively contributing to the social fabric that is America. District 39 deserves legislators that work for everyone in the community in ways that promote sustainable growth, safe streets, great schools, attracts desired investment and jobs that pay living wages, protects our environment, and a transportation system that is efficient.  These are realistic, attainable, goals that we can achieve. I’d be honored to earn your vote!

Lets Find Out Guest, Frank St James March 24, 2019
Mediumship and Psychic Readings

Frank St. James is well known for his work with many local police and investigative authorities. He appeared on The Psychic Detectives, as well as the Bio Show on A&E Cable, and is also a top radio personality. He was once a detective, has worked with the FBI, and the answers he gives are usually spot on! Frank is very popular at the New Jersey Psychic Fairs and books out quickly. Contact: (862) 684-1904

Threshold To Ascension Radio Guest, Mitch Ehren Owens March 21, 2019
Metaphysical Warrior and Walk In

Mitch Ehren Owens has walked many miles in this current incarnation.  He spent 17 years in the US Military including Special Ops and during his service he was exposed to Agent Orange, Car Bombs, Lead Poisoning and More.  After his military service ended he continued his 3D Warrior journey as part of Blackwater.  

His entire life changed on December 18, 2015 at 3:15pm  when a literal Lightning Bolt from Source struck his physical body while he standing in his driveway talking to his then wife.  At that moment, Jeshua appeared to him and asked him if he was done with this incarnation.  Knowing his work as a 1st Wave Volunteer was complete and wanting to leave Earth he said YES.  At that moment, his current soul left this incarnation and was replaced by the Walk-In now known as EHREN. 

What transpired is an epic story that is still unfolding.  EHREN is a higher dimensional aspect of Mitch and also a Sacred Divine Twin of the woman Mitch would later meet in October 2018. This Walk-In is also a Warrior from the Angelic Realm carrying the frequencies of ArchAngel Raphael and ArchAngel Michael. 

His integration of EHREN into this physical body led to miraculous healings (which he has medical proof of), a shedding of 60 pounds without effort and an embodying of many spiritual gifts including Lemurian Crystal healing, Chakra/Tuning Fork Healing, Orb communication, Star Grid and Earth Grid Activation and much, much more.

Mitch Ehren is passionate about sharing his knowledge of the power of self-healing as well as his understanding of the truth of the Awakening process.  

You can connect with Mitch Ehren via his facebook page Meta-Physical Mitch

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