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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 May 2021

Your Destiny Architect with Linda S Brewer

Your Destiny Architect with Linda S. Brewer
Show Host:
Linda S. Brewer

Do you feel like you are caught in a cycle, making the same mistakes over and over? Do you find yourself reacting to situations instead of thoughtfully responding? Is your life so full of stress that some days just the thought of getting out of bed to face the day leaves you feeling empty and wondering "why me"?

Stress can lead to poor health, bad decisions, and depression. You don’t have to live a life filled with stress. You can learn to recognize your own behavior patterns that lead to stress and instead find ways that will lead you to better decision making, better personal and professional relationships. You can turn your stress cycle into a healing cycle.

The answers to your questions are in "The Question" you are willing to ask and answer.

Acknowledge exactly how it is now (John 4: 15 -18) 

Receive The Truth that will set you free (Colossians 1: 14)

The Truth is the only result that will set you free (John 8: 32)

Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

Your Destiny Architect , November 28, 2016 Guest, Michael Hider
Your Destiny Architect , November 21, 2016 Guests, Barbara Mulvey Little and then Dr Jean Logan
Your Destiny Architect , November 14, 2016 Guest, Mark Susnow
Your Destiny Architect , November 7, 2016 Guest, Dr. Diane Pomerance
Your Destiny Architect , October 31, 2016 Guest, Allen McNair

Featured Guests


November 28, 2016
November 28, 2016
Guest, Barbara Mulvey Little November 21, 2016
Linda S. Brewer
Destiny Architect, Relationship and Business Profitability Expert, Build Relationships in Truth that Empower People, Align Principles & Enhance Processes for Profits.

Linda Brewer is a Destiny Architect. She shares this story about a defining moment in her life: “I remember when I was five years old, looking up at a very tall adult, placing my hands on my hips and saying, ‘that is not what you meant.’” In spite of the negative reaction of that adult, Linda is able to hear and observe when someone’s words are out of alignment with their behaviors and outcomes. She has discerned that the issue of their heart is self-condemnation that creates fear, relational, financial and success issues.

This fueled her passion and her gift to create a safe place for a person to connect with their sacred heart and discover the root lie they believe about themselves that is affecting their life. The root truth they need to receive is that each of us is love. Linda helps her clients realize they can choose to live their lives in truth through awareness of the lies they believed when their fear is activated through a current experience. She believes that to heal any problem; a person has to heal the source. The source is the memories they have stored in their sacred heart—their subconscious, their cellular memories.

Linda’s focused commitment to all her clients is to create a safe space and to ask loving questions, so they feel encouraged and worthy of love. The choice is theirs to move through theirs fears and addictions into love and truth that creates loving thoughts, words, and actions.

Linda’s entrepreneurial career has included business management, accounting, sales and marketing, and facilitation for organizational and personal growth. She has created two successful start-up companies including her company, LSG, inc. and Crowns Now. Her organization serves other well-known companies including Milliken, Volvo, BMW, DS2, AgFirst and Johnson Communications.

  • Accreditations are:
  • Certified Healing Codes Practitioner and Q Codes Practitioner
  • Young Living Essential Oils, Levels I and II for emotional healing Facilitator
  • Chartered Faculty Member of The Hendricks Institute Living University
  • Breathing Center Transformation, The Hendricks Institute
  • Mastery of Conscious Language, Mastery Systems
  • McGrane Self-Esteem Institute:

    Psycholinguistics; Neuro-Linguistic Programming; The Art of Asking Questions
  • Workplace Mediation Consultant, Meditation Works
  • Pre-Cognitive Re-Education Facilitator
  • Theophostic Basic and Advanced Ministry
  • Master Communication; Christian Counselor New Hope
  • Dream Coach, Dr. Bruce Wilkinson
  • Minister of World Christianship Ministries
  • The Focusing Institute
  • Jay Abraham Master Marketing
  • Choices
  • Teleleader Trainer
  • Former Chair, Vistage International
  • Holistic Alternative Psychology Master
  • Member of Taylor Protocols Value Added Relationship Program 

Founder of Bonsai Leadership- one’s destiny is created by their belief system which creates a thought, from the thought, a word is spoken, or an action is taken, a habit is created, the habit becomes our character our character our destiny. Thus we are the architect of our lives. Come with your heart’s issue(s); leave trusting your own heart and spirit.