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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Voices of Courage with Ken D. Foster

With Guest, Mihai Nadin, Understand the Human Design

The moment of truth can no longer be postponed. At stake is our health, education, culture. Ultimately, the future of humankind and even of life on planet earth. Ken D Foster interviews Professor Mihai Nadin.

Professor Mihai Nadin, the esteemed Ashbel Smith Professor Emeritus at Univ of TX, Dallas, is respected for his advances in anticipatory and dynamic systems, human-computer and human-technology interaction, and more.

The author of more than 30 books and over 200 scientific and philosophical articles, Nadin is credited with introducing concepts that opened new fields of inquiry: “semiotic machine,” “the civilization of illiteracy,” “anticipatory computing.”

His new book, Disrupt Science: The Future Matters warns of the dangers of “progress at any cost.” As a child in Romania, Dr. Nadin lost most of his family to the Holocaust, then survived as an academic thought-leader under communist tyranny, and ultimately came to the U.S. where he led research in the important new field of anticipatory computing.

Today, Professor Nadin is warning (as a science/tech insider) that we’re shackled to the “cult of machines” which threatens the very existence of humankind in the not so distant future.
The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

So now having babies is somehow a dastardly right-wing plot. The US birthrate hit a record low last year and half of the countries in the world have a birthrate too low to sustain the population size. But according to the Left, even talking about this is an evil right-wing plot to... They don't even know themselves, are certain it's an evil plot by the right.