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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Guest, Danielle Gibson is a Confrontation Expert. Her definition of confrontation is dealing directly with someone or something you’ve been avoiding out of fear, which is the biggest thing holding you back. Not being confrontational keeps you small, holds you back and often causes the demise of relationships. Being confrontational can also prevent the conflict. Danielle partners with people who are stuck in a mundane, unrewarding cycle to help break them free. The result? They get what they want, not just what they think they can get. In working through their blocks, they move toward a truly authentic life they can live on their terms.

Topic: Staying silent is a Relationship Killer. Learn the High Art of Confrontation

We'll talk about
How to Be direct and assertive without fear
How to Stop saying Yes when you really want to say NO
How to approach difficult conversations
How to stop caring what others think
And the biggest takeaway will be how to learn how to become unoffendable, which is the secret sauce to becoming an expert in confrontation and having successful relationships.