Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming
The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden and guests Rich Wyatt and Pastor Steven Grant
True The Vote documents what it calls a “criminal conspiracy” to collect an harvest ballots.
Pastor Steven Grant with Greeley’s Destiny Christian Center says he saw in operation and joins the show.
Along with GOP Assembly delegate Rich Wyatt.
True The Vote documents what it calls a “criminal conspiracy” to collect an harvest ballots.
Pastor Steven Grant with Greeley’s Destiny Christian Center says he saw in operation and joins the show.
Along with GOP Assembly delegate Rich Wyatt.
Topic: Substance Abuse Disorder treatments for First Responders. Bonnie and David speak with Michele Giorgianni, First Responder Liaison at Aware Recovery Care and Jason Palamara, Director of Veteran & First Responder Engagement at Forge VFR.