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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Kez Wickham St George is the driver of her own creativity, and her passion is to inspire and nurture others to tell their stories. Her values are simple; when you touch a heart; you can change a life. By encouraging you to write or journal her belief is, it will only add value to your life. If you need help getting that book written then Kez is the one to help, she offers professional book mentoring.

Today’s guest is Jacquie Walker

Toni Brings out the person's heart while Kez brings out your book

Kez. Jacquie what inspired you to write your story in the colors of me Anthology

You are an accomplished author and co-producer of the online Magazine Conscious Living. What type of articles do you promote?

Once becoming a published author and coach, what then?

Explain your writing technique Jacquie, was it a thought-out process?

How do you go about approaching the people and places you would like to be seen in.

Choose the one person who is in the promotional world you would trust to empower you.

The Colors of Me book, was it a learning experience?

Did it give you an opportunity to write about your family, something you had often wanted to do but never had the opportunity to?

When you are being listened to what happens to the body emotionally

Lockdown has certainly changed how we listen to others; do you feel it will cause more reading, Taking time out for one another.
Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams

Guest, Kelly Reed, Clinic Administrator RECOVERus Center