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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

911 Free Fall

Title: Ray McGinnis on the 9/11 Commission

Ray McGinnis, author of Unanswered Questions: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9/11 Commission Ignored, sits down with host Andy Steele to review the many problems found in the 9/11 Commission's makeup, methodology, and conclusions, all of which resulted in a worthless report to the public and a cover-up of the true causes and consequences of the 9/11 events.
The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden and guest Dave Williams

Rep. Dave Williams on RINO shenanigans at the Colorado Legislature.

Plus, Dems continue to sow divisions along racial lines.  Will it backfire?