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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 12 May 2021

Universal Spiritual Connection with Rev May Leilani Schmidt

Universal Spiritual Connection with Rev May Leilani Schmidt, banner
Rev May Leilani Schmidt

This show is Fun and opens up a whole new world of exciting topics and "Welcomes" your Questions and Comments. The show explores a variety of subjects from the Spiritual Eastern, Western and Native American Indian beliefs to the basic concepts of Love and Success. Join us today as we explore such subjects as: quantum Physics, Scientific discoveries, Health, Metaphysical concepts, Eastern and Western Wisdoms and Universal Laws with the intent to give all Listeners subjects with substance for contemplation and exploration.

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Rev May Leilani Schmidt

Rev. May Leilani Schmidt
Radio Talk Show Host, Certified Hawaiin Kuhuna, Reiki Master Teacher, Hypnotherapist, Iridologist, Past Life Regression Master, Reverend

Rev. May Leilani Schmidt
The Universal Spiritual Connection™ - great beacon of "Light and Hope", "Bridging the Gap" between all peoples and cultures around the World.

Rev. Leilani Schmidt has been a professional in the field of Holistic Health for many years. She is a Certified Hawaiian Kuhuna and the Founder/Instructor of the Multi-Dimensional Healer tm in Arizona. She is also a Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Transpersonal Master Hypnotherapist, Iridologist, Herbs, Nutrition Specialist and Certified Past Life Regression Master.

Being a radiant light worker, Leilani uses clairvoyance and clairaudience to empower her to see with clarity. She intuitively direct God's universal healing energy to locate and remove all disqualified energies, providing a loving healing experience to those who seek her unique gifts.

Rev. Leilani is a gifted spiritual counselor and channel that will bring into your conscious awareness insightful information from spirit to promote well-being and balance. She will help you become aware of your own spiritual gifts from God and even be given insight into your special purpose for your life.

Rev. Leilani studied other complementary therapies including Cranial Sacral Therapy, Therapeutic Touch, DNA Reconnective Healing, Crystal Healing and a Clear Universal Mind Channel.

Each session with her clients is exclusively designed to meet the specific needs of the individual. Rev. Leilani's focus in her sessions is to promote better understanding and optimal well being in one's life. Her work greatly supports "other traditional therapies" as well.

In addition to an active teaching schedule in Arizona, Rev. Leilani maintains a private practice in which she blends her skills into synergistic healing and counseling session, and a Show Host, weekly radio show the Universal Spiritual Connection® with BBS