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Tony Edgell
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IS IT TIME TO TELL THE BOSS TO TAKE THIS JOB & SHOVE IT SO YOU CAN DO WHAT GIVES YOU FIRE IN YOUR BELLY? 5 Things That May Be Stopping You From Making a Living Doing What You LOVE. Change Thoughts You Inherited in Life. Do you remember classes in school, family, or society telling you to follow your passion, purpose, and dreams? We have learned from society to get a good job and make lots of money regardless of whether it makes us happy. We go to jobs we don’t like because we have learned to sell our soul for a paycheck. Have a Questioning Attitude. Leap out of complacency and change the word. Heroes like Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks, and Gandhi all questioned authority and society’s “norms.” Ignore FEAR. There are two kinds of fear—one is walking in a bad alley at night; the other is the voice in your head that says you’re crazy to follow your dreams and passion because you’re going to fail or be perceived as crazy. Everyone living their dreams ignored their fears. The author of The Hero Inside You tells your audience How To: Feel the passion of living a PURPOSE-filled life ESCAPE the grind of working for a paycheck Have an AMAZING lifestyle sharing your talent Learn the LIES you inherited that hold you back QUESTION authority and change the world Find YOUR gift in life Get out of your comfort zone Live life on YOUR terms Walk the path of the Hero’s Journey How to be in love with life again and be a HERO everyday Turn off your brain and ACTIVATE your heart Listen to your heart and find PEACE …..and so much more


About The Author Tony Edgell is a real estate investor who left corporate America in September 2012 to pursue his life purpose of inspiring and empowering people to live their dreams. He found his calling, and he is dedicated to helping others to uncover the life they, too, are called to live. In the past, Tony had serious anger problems. He used to get into bar room fights, and when he was in high school he was a bully, although you would never know it if you met him. Tony is not proud of his past, but he is proud of how much he has evolved as a compassionate human being. Today he has tender heart and is a source of strength and inspiration to those around him. Tony lives a joyful life full of peace, passion and abundance in Pennsylvania with his beautiful wife Gail and their daughter Annie, the dog.

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Hero Inside You