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R Milton Quibner
Your Pitch

Milt n Mia have a lot to say about sex, romance and how to elevate your life instead of just going through the motions. You'll enjoy their playful banter and straight-forward philosophical approach; from overcoming betrayal to freeing yourself from depression, they'll show you alternatives that'll leave you laughing, thinking, and feeling better about yourself!


R. Milton Quibner is a Relationship Specialist and the author of How High Should I Jump: The Satirical Guide to Pleasing Today's Woman, and Life Wizard, Mia Matters, is an RN who specializes in Sexual Relationships. Living in Northern California, they've been married 25 years and have two children together. Together they have written an easy-to-use relationship handbook, The Get Over Yourself! Handbook on Cheating and Betrayal!

The Get Over Yourself Handbook! on Cheating and Betrayal