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Lynn K Russell
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Lynn Kathleen Russell, author of THE WONDER OF YOU: What the Near-Death Experience Tells You about Yourself, was the researcher for 2500 Dr. Jeffery Long’s book, Evidence of the Afterlife. After researching 2500 cases she found they offered messages about the wonder you are, the world, life and the paths as we travel through life.

“THE WONDER OF YOU: WHAT THE NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE TELLS YOU ABOUT YOURSELF” by Lynn Kathleen Russell. Ivey Enterprises, Lethbridge, Canada.

Lynn does something in this book nobody else has done. She shows you how near-death experiencers, in sharing what happened to them and what that meant to them, are actually describing the truth, the real truth, about each and every one of us. . . anywhere in the world! She gently and relentlessly, puts the full-brunt of the near-death experience in your lap, right where you live and love and have your being. Near-death states strip away the trappings of the mind, to reveal the substance of soul. Thank you, Lynn, for helping to awaken us.”
….. P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D., near-death researcher since
1978, investigating nearly 4,000 cases of adult and
child experiencers. Latest findings in Dying to Know
You: Proof of God in the Near-Death Experience.

“There are many books about near-death experiences (NDE), but The Wonder of You: What the Near-Death Experience Tells You about Yourself is absolutely exceptional. Lynn Russell is a recognized NDE expert. She has researched over 2500 NDEs; more than virtually anyone else in the world. This book is scholarly in its depth of understanding the NDE, but also is very clearly written and easy to read. With each turn of the page you will find a treasure trove of insights and inspiration. After reading this book you will understand the profound truth of what a wonder you truly are. This simple but powerful awareness could change your life.”

Jeffery Long, MD, founder of the Near Death Experience Research Foundation
(, and author of the New York Times bestselling
Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences.

Buy, beg or borrow a copy of THE WONDER OF YOU, What the Near-death Experiences Tell You About Yourself, by Lynn Russell. This book will help to make sense and tie together all the books and stories of others’ near-death experiences. Plus it will reveal what those experiences tell us about ourselves. Ms. Russell describes her own life-changing spiritual experiences, and how, through them, she learned that there was no difference, no separation between her and all life forms on the planet—way before the term “oneness” was understood. Her background makes for a great foundation for this book; one I feel will become the new bible for NDErs. She did an extensive two-year research on NDEs with Dr. Jeff Long, M.D and his wife Jody Long, J.D., who later wrote EVIDENCE OF THE AFTERLIFE, The Science of Near-Death Experiences. She has studied over twenty-five hundred reports by people who experienced NDEs. Early on, she began to see a pattern that their experiences were deeper messages like buried treasures brought back from what we call death or the other side that were a legacy for all of us.

She relates some of these 2,500 stories, grouped by categories of their experiences. Although no two NDEs are alike, the similarities in what they experienced when they “died” are extraordinary. The incredible stories, and Ms. Russell’s way of weaving them together by topics, makes the book hard to put down. You will want to keep this book and make it a permanent part of your library, underline and mark it for future study. If you’re like me, you will experience a change in consciousness after reading The Wonder of You. I believe I will never look at death quite the same. The love of our Creator and the vast array of experiences awaiting our soul, when it’s ready to permanently exit the physical form, or experience its own NDE, is exciting to consider.
I LOVED this book. Kudos to Ms. Russell for excellent research and a job well done on a book that people of all ages will be helped and inspired by for decades. The Logos Center has pre-ordered 20 books—I’m sure we will place many more orders.

Anne Puryear
Vice-President, The Logos Center, Scottsdale, Arizona
Author of Stephen Lives! My son Stephen, His Life, Suicide and Afterlife
and Messages from God.


For almost 30 years, Lynn was a family counselor in Calgary, Alberta. She became the primary researcher for Dr. Jeffery Long's book, "Evidence of the Afterlife", and research over 2500 cases. Through her research she found wonderful messages to share with everyone about the beauty of their reality.

The Wonder of You