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Kevin Bulmer
Your Pitch

When I was 37 years old, everything in my life fell apart. My health failed, my business collapsed and my wife of 12 years left to pursue another relationship. I thought I’d had my chance at life and blown it.

It was the best thing that ever could have happened to me.

I’ve learned, in the time since, that real strength isn't what we think it is. In fact, it's often disguised ... as weakness.

Over and over again, I've found that the key to finding and embracing real fulfillment and contentment is more often discovered by reversing the field: when we long for control, we’re better to let go. When we’re at our most vulnerable and feel least like sharing, we become more deeply connected when we do.

And we may be looking for answers, but we seem to be better served by asking the right questions, truly understanding who we are (I contend that most people don’t - I didn’t) and doing our best to live and work from that authentic place.

Having experienced my own personal and professional transformation, I have become deeply passionate about sharing my story, and the story of others through my podcast (“Journeys with the No Schedule Man”), as much as I can in an effort to help others to take back control of their own well-being.

I’m not here to present you with a bunch of “How-To’s” and magic answers. Those will be unique to you. But I do believe that you already know what you need to know, even if you don’t know it yet.

I can probably help you find that by asking the right questions.


Kevin Bulmer is a professional speaker, certified life & executive coach and host of “Journeys with the No Schedule Man,” a weekly podcast featuring conversations on personal and professional growth.

Through his signature keynote talks and workshops (“Rise Like a Phoenix, Race Like a Turtle,” “I Am A No Schedule Man” and “Stuck In Your Story: The Risk of Racing In Circles”), Kevin shares his personal and professional experiences to show that he’s learned the value of self-awareness, authenticity, vulnerability and that re-framing challenges with resourcefulness is a great way to proactively manage life’s inevitable adversities.

As a former radio broadcaster, Kevin has a rich background in media as well as business management, sales and marketing. He was once the General Manager of the first-ever NASCAR-sanctioned stock car racing track in Canada, and has contributed to the formation of two start-up companies. He has also recorded and released three CDs of original music.

Kevin lives in London, Ontario, Canada with his two sons.

Kevin Bulmer - "Solo: The Return of No Schedule Man"