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Katy Tackes
Your Pitch


My name is Katy Tackes and I am the author of EACH TIME SHE WAKES, a mystic novel of Peace and Love.

Over prior years I amassed a lucritive career as a software implementer, but at the age of 35 I had a profound experience in a remote valley nestled amongst the granite peaks of the Canadian Rockies.  Eventually, this event called forth the inspiring messages held in this book. 

I stopped my career in order to write this book because my intuition guided me to do so.  The writing and publishing of the novel came very easily.  I believe the deep, yet simple messages of Peace, Love and Unity that are held in this story are meant to be shared.

In this day and age of fear driven societies, this writing attempts to refocus humanity on the simplest deed of all...Choosing Love over fear in our thoughts, words and actions and uniting us as One.

Will you help me to inject a little optimism into our World?


Katy Tackes

Author, Each Time She Wakes


Author bio - Katy was born in Persia to a celebrated furniture designer.  At a very young age she immigrated to Canada, where her immense love and gratitude for Mother Nature blossomed.

She has been gifted the opportunity of living in Paris, France and traveling throughout Europe, Asia, New Zealand, the Middle-East and North America, reinforcing her belief that "we are all connected...we are One".

It is through her love and studies of theosophy and ancient wisdom that she continues her quest for Truth.

Each Time She Wakes, an inspiring novel by Katy Tackes