The Magic Happens Magazine: Humanity Thriving Out Loud was founded in 2007 and it began as a conversation about learning to be content with what you have. We are bombarded by media and business opportunities that taunt us into believing that we aren't good enough, we don't have enough and that the pursuit of more is the hallmark of success. The Magic Happens Magazine is published monthly as a digital publication and represents the idea that we are enough, just as we are, if only we could see that. Once we become content with who we are and what we have, something magical happens... -Suddenly our ability to create more grows 10 fold. -Miraculously, happiness is achieved. -Without warning, stress falls away. -Effortlessly, our stories change. -We thrive. Having a good life and being happy is and always has been more about perspective and how we choose to look at things then about what material things we have. Many of our 60 writers have written books and it is our intention to support authors of 'wisdom' related materials to get their word out there and create success through mutual learning, thriving and joy. Beginning in the autumn of 2016, we will be holding our first ever 'Life by Magic' conference.
The Magic Happens Magazine: Humanity Thriving Out Loud was founded in 2007 and it began as a conversation about learning to be content with what you have. We are bombarded by media and business opportunities that taunt us into believing that we aren't good enough, we don't have enough and that the pursuit of more is the hallmark of success. The Magic Happens Magazine represents the idea that we are enough, just as we are, if only we could see that. Once we become content with who we are and what we have, something magical happens... -Suddenly our ability to create more grows 10 fold. -Miraculously, happiness is achieved. -Without warning, stress falls away. -Effortlessly, our stories change. Having a good life and being happy is and always has been more about perspective and how we choose to look at things then about what material things we have. Many of our 60 writers have written books and it is our intention to support authors of 'wisdom' related materials to get their word out there and create success through mutual learning, thriving and joy. If joining a community of writers who work together for the success of the group is something that excites you, contact us through the website to discuss the possibilities.