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Jesse Ann Nichols George
Your Pitch

I am the only one doing what I do.  I am a Code Interpretor where I look at the truth of anything and everything to bring clarity to a situation, person, place, and interaction.  When I do Code Interpretation for someone it is like looking at their Blueprint and Handbook for how they function in this life.  From there we can explore how they interact with everyone and everything in the world.  This is why two people can have completely different experiences from the same thing; since the way their energy interacts with that same things is different.  As a result it helps people to lead a more compassionate and enlightened life; and allows them to make wiser choices.


Jesse Ann Nichols George is a Code Interpretor, Scribe, Speechmaker, and Radio Show Host.  She is the author of 4 books, Activating Compassion and it’s companion workbook are founded on the principles of compassion, and how to use it to bring joy to all areas of life; as well as to open to living your passion and manifesting a life of joy and fulfillment.  You, Me, Life Dreams and it’s companion workbook are focused on finding and creating your perfect relationship.  In addition she is a collaborator on “Embraced by the Divine:  The Emerging Woman’s Gateway To Power, Passion, and Purpose” which is an International Bestseller.  She created The Genesis Clearing Statement and The Compassion Tour and True North Tour.  Jesse has over 34 years of experience working with clients.  Her work is founded in living a compassionate life and finding Divine alignment.  She is a 13th+ generation spiritual healer, energy tuner, life/relationship/spiritual and wellness coach, holistic and natural lifestyle advisor.  She is also a 13th+ generation Druidic practitioner; honoring and appreciating the harmony of all things.  Jesse blends over 50 different modalities pulled from both Eastern and Western philosophies.

Activating Compassion