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Jannette Anderson
Your Pitch

The face of business is changing dramatically--it’s becoming a lot more wrinkled! 

In this fascinating talk Jannette explores how the largest surge of entrepreneurs to enter into the marketplace at any time in history will impact the economy, our thinking, and global trends. Maturepreneurs are those who are 55+ and who are #NotDoneByALongshot!


63% of new businesses in the U.S. are started by people over 40 and many are founders in their 60’s, 70’s and even their 80’s. That number is continuing to grow substantially because people are too inspired to retire, or simply can’t afford to retire at 65 due to increases in longevity and living expenses. This wisdom workforce has a lot to offer and brings tremendous expertise and experience to the table. But they also face unique and significant entrepreneurial challenges. 


During this edu-taining and inspiring session participants will learn: 

  • Are the challenges that Maturepreneurs face different than any other entrepreneur?
  • Marketing strategies for overcoming overt or unconscious ageism
  • The #1 advantage these mavericks can tap into (NB: it’s not what you think!) 
  • How collaboration and co-creation can foster rapid growth 

Jannette, like many of the women she works with, is #NotDoneByALongShot!

She is a business development expert with over 40 years of strategic planning, sales, and marketing experience--and she is STILL stupidly in love with what she does! 

She has been a corporate trainer, taught marketing and entrepreneurship for universities and colleges, and done her time in the corporate trenches in roles ranging from print-shop press operator  to V.P. Professional Services for a Canadian Fortune 500 company. Her breadth of experience and depth of expertise help you succeed at whatever stage you are at! 

She is passionate about working with maturepreneurs to identify, claim, and position their value so they can make a meaningful difference AND a magnificent living! 

Her other major passion (besides Scrabble and zip lining across jungles on three continents and counting…) is facilitating personal transformation. Jannette is dedicated to helping experts and business owners get the four inches between their ears working so that their business can work!
