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Gary Revel
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 Mother Nature Festival Live Inc, 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization.
Gary Revel, Founder of Mother Nature Festival Live Inc., Loves to Talk About Mother Nature
Gary Revel and Richard Faith are available for media interviews, regarding Mother Nature Festival Live Inc.
For Gary, this started with his song Mother Nature, and later his founding of Mother Nature Festival Live Inc.
He co-wrote the song with his younger brother, Cecil Ray Fillingame Jr., in the early 1970s and recorded the song in Nashville, Tennessee in the mid-1970s. He formed the independent record label ‘Frame House Records’ and in 1977 released the single record.
To listen or download use this link:
3 years ago, Gary started working on the founding of Mother Nature Festival Live Inc. with the theme and mission of stopping Global Warming. During a benefit concert in Oswego, New York he spoke with George Broadwell and Richard Faith about joining him as board members. They agreed: other board members, Jeff Olm, Patrick Wood, and David A. Dunn joined, and Patti McCune offered to direct fund raising for the 501 (c) 3, nonprofit corporation.
Board Member Richard Faith is serving as Executive Director for the time being. He is also the author of the Old Doc Turtle book series and the Megamerse book series. His book Bee Scared tells a story about Bees disappearing, which is of concern to all of us who care about Mother Nature and concern ourselves with Global Warming.
In late 2019 plans were being set for launching at Central Park, NYC with talks proceeding to have Jon Bon Jovi, Jane Fonda, Al Gore, and Al Roker participating. Then the pandemic hit hard. with millions getting the Coronavirus here in the United States and around the world. This put an end or at least a pause in the planning.
Now, things are starting to open up again and the development of the plans are starting again.
Talks are continuing, with tentative scheduling of a Mother Nature Festival Live Inc. festival and conference, to be held at the home offices in Oswego, NY, this fall. Another Concert in the Park, is being planned for Central Park, in New York City for 2022. Speakers and entertainers are being sought as conference space and venues are opening up. The Great American Robber Barons have already offered to perform during the festival as talks with representatives of Jon Bon Jovi, Al Gore, Jane Fonda, Dolly Parton, and Al Roker continue. Experts, in various fields and disciplines, that will bring value to the theme of stopping Global Warming are being sought to speak, teach and participate.
Ash Brown, host of Ash Said iT!, has joined Mother Nature Festival Live Inc. She is directing the Atlanta, Georgia area festival being planned for 2022.
To learn more, go to the Mother Nature Festival Live Inc. Facebook page:
Mother Nature Festival Live Incorporated is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation.
Founder, Gary Revel, is also an author, music/book publisher, film-maker, and the former Special Investigator of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., who found that James Earl Ray did not assassinate the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, and Civil Rights Leader.
Requests for interviews of any of those involved, or for more information, may be directed to Elisabeth Revel, using the email address
(This press release may be reprinted in part or entirety by any print or broadcast media outlet or used by any means of social media sharing.)
Reviews, photos, links to previous interviews are available upon request.
Founder – Gary Revel
Media Contact
Company Name: Mother Nature Festival Live Inc.
Contact Person: Elisabeth Revel
Phone: 254 338-2011
Country: United States
United States
Mother Nature Festival Live Inc. - Stop Global Warming