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Dr Stephen Shrewsbury MD
Your Pitch

Can you Defy Your DNA? Are you destined to fall prey to a cancer lurking in your genes? No longer must you wait for your genetic destiny to greet you. You can thwart nature with the amazing new "gene patch" medicines that are now starting to emerge from the vanguard of medical research. Dr Shrewsbury, a former English family doctor, but now a serial Chief Medical Officer for innovative biotech companies, worked for one such gene patch developing company and explains in his book, Defy Your DNA, that the technology is here, NOW. It heralds the Golden Age of Medicine offering hope to the 1 in 10 people on this planet who has a genetic abnormality leading to a rare disease. He explains how to uncover what your future holds; what to do about it; how these gene patches work - the greatest medical breakthrough since the discovery of penicillin - and their place in our war against disease.


Hospital doctor in UK NHS 1980-1986 English family doctor (and specialist pulmonary physician) 1986-1993 - [read how rare disease in his infant son triggered a change in career path] Pharmaceutical Physician UK 1993-2000 (Glaxo UK) + honorary clinical appointments at National Heart & Lung Institute, London and Southampton University, Department of Child Health. 2000-2002 Clinical Research Physician, Glaxo North America 2002-2005 Director (Clinical Development) Chiron Corporation Seattle, WA & Emeryville, CA 2005-2008 Chief Medical Office, MAP Pharmaceuticals, Mountain View, CA 2008-2009 Chief Medical Officer, Adamas Pharmaceuticals, Emeryville, CA 2009-2011 Chief Medical Officer, AVI BioPharma, Corvallis, OR & Bothell, WA (now Sarepta Therapeutics in Boston, MA) 2011-2013 Founder of Shrewd Consulting LLC and active contributor to global "think tank" - the Oligonucleotide Safety Working Group 2013 - now Chief Medical Officer, Aquinox Pharmaceuticals, Vancouver BC

Defy Your DNA book cover - Dr Shrewsbury's book