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Dr David Schwerin
Your Pitch

What if we told you that answers to your most difficult questions were available? Are you upset or confused about your life? Perhaps you have relationship issues, a serious illness or face the death of a loved one? Read how the authors received help solving their problems. In Know Your Soul: Bring Joy to Your Life the co-authors, David A. Schwerin and Diana Muenz Chen, vividly describe personal experiences and interactions with their Higher Self and Soul that provided answers to their most troubling problems. In addition, this insightful, heartwarming book describes the origin, purpose and structure of the Soul and how to connect to your Soul. Based on inspiration from their guides and Archangel Michael, rarely understood information is revealed. You will refer to this book often.


David Schwerin, Ph.D. is author of two books and dozens of articles published around the world. A new book, co-authored with Diana Muenz Chen, titled Know Your Soul: Bring Joy to Your Life. David has spoken to academic, political and business audiences in the U.S., China and India and received numerous honors for his work in China.

United States
Know Your Soul: Bring Joy to Your Life