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Cynthia Saarie
Your Pitch

It wasn't a huge leap to go from vocalist to speaking for voiceover work. It wasn't a huge leap to go from speaking in church to getting certified as a Lay Speaker and developing church services. Studying my belief lead to writing down my thoughts and that lead to actually writing a book. It suprised me that it was one of only five books of a religious nature accepted into China for the 2015 Beijing Book Fair and given a 5 Star review by Reader's Favorites. When I retired from the USPS as a Postal Window Clerk, I had 30 years of customer service. I had to find a way to be of use to businesses now that I wasn't helping them the way I had through my old job. I had started doing the voiceover work and it dawned on me that the ads that really worked were visual, not just text. I started putting still pictures with everything I was posting. I came across a program that helped me put about 25 pictures with music, text and voiceover into it. Oh, it was fun and colorful and was a needed service that I could sell. I joined earlier in the year to start focusing on my voiceover auditions. Then I joined to sell those voiceover services and now the slideshow videos to the masses of small cash strapped businesses for an inexpensive price and a lot of bang for their few bucks. I produced several commercials, linked them to my website and feeling sales and promo videos to help businesses raise their bottom line before years end. I also pitched my own cd that I produced after writing my book. The book was sold on Barnes and Noble and Amazon, but the cd was my own. I offered a BoGo for December on my cd when people signed up for my newsletter and increased my email list. I placed myself  and connected with over 2500 connections on LinkedIn and pitched my website. The clientele on LinkedIn had more business savey than many looking for a bargain on My videos were seen and commented on. My website brings in a larger audience. I produced a video and posted it on Facebook and LinkedIn for my church. This would be their 4th Annual Cookie Sale. It brought people in from more than 20 miles away to purchase cookies at $7 a pound. The church netted over $800 profit after all expenses were met. This is a few months heating bills in winter. A total success. I enrolled in several copywriting and B2B copywriting. With my entertaining musical experience, I realized the powerful results of words and video. I lived many hard years early in my adult life, they allowed me the ability to empathize with problems many suffer with. It becomes evident in my singing, speaking and now writing. I am truly enjoying retirement!


Born in Syracuse,  NY  on March 23, 1958 to a father that was a drill Instructor in the Marines for WW2 and the Korean War and built houses when I was very young, and switched inside to the Postal Service. He started there as a custodian, but they realized his electrical abilities and sent him to school in OK. He is the one responsible for me even ever considering looking to be hired there. The Post Office was not on my radar. My mother was a nurse at a local hospital. She was an LPN, not a RN. She was part-time and although she worked at least 40 hours a week, when she retired, she received no pension. Coming from a two working parent family, my mother worked nights and my dad worked days. I was the oldest of three girls born. I always felt bad for my dad living in a house with four women and only one bathroom!  I took dance lessons, piano lessons and gymnastic lessons. I had balance and I'm short. Two necessary components to being a great gymnast. I took second place in NYS in my 9th grade. I was told I would own a full scholarship in gymnastics to LSU, who had the premier women's gymnastics team if I continued my emerging talent. I broke my right arm one night in 10th grade at a parental open house. There went my dreams. There was no scholarship. No hope for the 1980 Olympics. (those Summer Olympics were boycotted in Russia) I was victim to poor hospital practices and received a Mersa infection in my arm which ate away more than three inches of bone. People had to keep me isolated, masks, gloves and gowns. No one from my school would come to tutor me. Is was not the law back then, in 1974, to send someone to teach those in a hospital. Any hope of excelling in education escaped me. I graduated with a C- average, and that was only due my sheer determination to graduate. I continued singing, which besides art classes, was the only thing I could do well. I auditioned and was accepted to the America's Youth in Concert, a traveling choir 350 voices which traveled all over Europe singing. We began at Independence Mall in Philadelphia, PA on the 4th of July, 1976, on the Country's 200th year old birthday celebration.  Then on to Carnegie Hall, NYC and off to Europe. Those who were enrolled in a college that following fall received 9 college credits for their participation. I got nothing but wonderful memories. I came back to the USA with no planned future. No college, no job. My life changed drastically from that point on. TO BE CONTINUED...

United States
"Are You in the Will?" , by Cynthia J Eckert Saarie