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Carolyn Gervais
Your Pitch

Dear Show Host,

What force sets life events in motion and puts us on our soul’s destined course? 

Are lives preordained for specific outcomes; are we just along for the ride? 

How do we participate in our true destinies without blocking our own way?

These and other important questions for spiritual seekers, like your listeners, are examined and illustrated in author Carolyn Gervais’ new book, “Life Before Life: How Soul Agreements Direct our Destiny”, taken from her significant mystical journey as well as real examples of her client resolutions.

“There is without a doubt,  an energy experience our soul directs as it guides us into what comes next, in the life we call now,” says Carolyn. “During the life before our conscious life, our soul connects with other souls, making agreements, which will mutually activate and orchestrate the awakening of each other’s awareness and purpose during our human sojourn together.”

In her unique book searchers will learn how each soul acts as an internal navigation system, working with us through our free will to direct our life along the path of our true destiny.

Carolyn is frequently published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence and her messages can be seen and heard on numerous websites and podcasts.  She is certified in spiritual psychology, clinical hypnotherapy and has a master’s degree in holistic nutrition.  Her services include: soul path plans, intuitive dream interpretation and spiritual counseling.

To receive a PDF copy of her book, and to schedule an interview with Carolyn, or let her know about upcoming opportunities:

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Carolyn is the author of Life Before Life: How Soul Agreements Direct Our Destiny.  She is certified in spiritual psychology, clinical hypnotherapy and has a master’s degree in holistic nutrition.  Her services include: soul path plans, intuitive dream interpretation and spiritual counseling. Carolyn is frequently published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence and her messages can be seen and heard on numerous websites and podcasts. 

United States
I Dreamed I Was Human