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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 11 May 2021

The Scriptures Alone Bible School with Martin Richling

The Scriptures Alone Bible School with Martin Richling, banner
Show Host:
Martin Richling

Martin Richling - is the Bible Teacher and Preacher for the Church of God in Pekin Indiana.

         "Martin was born and raised in the city of Chicago and always was attracted to religion. At a young age, he wanted to be a Jesuit priest in the Roman Catholic Church.

         But his love for music won out!

          He joined the US Marine Band as a euphonium player in 1980. During his time in the Marine Band he was asked the question (for the first time in his short life) "Are you saved?"

          That question scared him and he was afraid of the Bible the man had in his hand who had asked him the question.

          After leaving the Marine Band he returned to Chicago and became a police officer there. While a police officer, he became privy to much corruption within the police department itself. (Surprise, Surprise, eh?)

          He then tried to do the right thing years later, and in 1994 went to the FBI to help "root out" the corruption. After the FBI entered into a VERBAL agreement with Martin to keep his identity concealed, months down the road, and after helping the FBI with much details of the corruption, the FBI broke their word to Martin regarding his confidential status and asked him to testify to what he had reported to them.

          Martin said NO WAY! For he feared for his personal safety. The FBI indicted Martin 2 years later on charges under RICO (organized crime) and he went to Federal Prison for 5 years. And this is where Martin's learning of the holy scriptures alone begins...

         After reading the Bible through several times while incarcerated, Martin's ONLY desire was to now teach it to people. During his time in Federal Prison, he taught the holy scriptures unto hundreds of men, some of whom remain great brothers and friends with Martin to this day.

          As of this writing, he has read the holy scriptures over 150 times, cover to cover, and has a burning desire to see others understand the Book he too once feared.

          He believes fully that all folks need to learn the scriptures alone without the opinions of men so that they too can know what God says in His Book. Therefore, The Scriptures Alone Bible School exists on this earth to do just that, via the internet, of which already there are folks all over the earth who listen daily to Martin's teachings on the web.

          He is SO HAPPY to have found BBS Radio and for the opportunity to get the word of God out to others even more...

          Do listen in daily to Martin teach the Book of God. You will be eternally thankful you did!"

Martin Richling

Pastor Martin Richling
Radio Talk Show Host, Pastor, Bible Teacher

Biography from:

Martin Richling is a son of God and a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. Fully persuaded as Abraham was when he believed in THE LORD, Martin Richling BELIEVES IN JESUS and has FAITH IN HIS BLOOD as the total payment for his lifetime of sins. Being justified freely by the grace of God and through the redemption that is in the Christ Jesus, Martin Richling has been given the righteousness of God because of his FAITH IN JESUS ALONE. Romans 3:21-28, 4:21-25.

And as our Pastor and Bible Teacher, Martin Richling understands completely, that without the LORD JESUS CHRIST, he can do nothing. John 15:5, Galatians 2:20.

Being constrained by THE LOVE OF CHRIST AT CALVARY, he has read through the entire King James Bible almost three hundred times so far, according to the establishment commandment set forth by God in Romans 16:25-26. To this day, he still reads his Bible eight hours a day obeying God's Establishment Commandment. READ Philippians 4:13

And he fervently reads so much, because within the beautiful pages of the holy scriptures alone, he finds his BELOVED AND FAITHFUL SAVIOUR AND KING: THE LORD JESUS CHRIST !